22 Days and Counting & the True Meaning of Christmas

Has anyone ever really said it better?

Did you see the full moon last night, first all huge and orangy just emerging over the horizon and then bright in the blue, white-puffy-cloud sky?  Oh it was gorgeous (from my seat in the car in the church parking lot where it took a full half hour to warm up!).  The stars were twinkling and the dry snow shimmered in its moonlit bath while I listened to a rather decent selection of Christmas music on Cozy-101.*   And it was frigid, frightfully lung-freezing cold at 19-degrees, but there is something so pure, so quiet in that.

This is the only time this year I plan to romanticize winter.  It happened.  It was beautiful.  Now let’s get back to a regular Colorado winter.  For crying out loud. 

*I want Delilah’s job (weekdays 7pm – midnight on Cozy!).  And that cannot be her real name?  Come on.

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