Eight grandbebes and just 5 weeks and a few days until #9 arrives, give or take a few days. Life just keeps getting better.
Oh, yes it does! {{Original post HERE}}
Eight grandbebes and just 5 weeks and a few days until #9 arrives, give or take a few days. Life just keeps getting better.
Oh, yes it does! {{Original post HERE}}
Saw this on Pinterest and I like the simplicity and wisdom of it. What if every time something worried us or was bothering us or getting us down or we lost something or found out some one didn’t like us or felt looked over, passed by or under-appreciated, what if we made a list 10 things that mattered more than that hopeless feeling?
Sometimes life is just hard, sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes we even get what we deserve (it’s all a learning process, isn’t it?). You don’t have to have been born with a sunny disposition or perfect perspective – you can develop it!
Gratefulness is a skill, like anything. Here is a great way to practice that until we become expertly skilled in it!
The official family tree included everyone in the entire congregation—their small children, wives, sons, and daughters. The ardent dedication they showed in bringing themselves and their gifts to worship was total—no one was left out.
Who among us hasn’t experienced intense loneliness even in a crowd? Who hasn’t peeked in to some one else’s life via social media in these minute-by-minute times, or on a blog (even like mine, heaven forbid) we see pictures of celebrations, read family stories and see moments of glory (the only ones we generally share) – and felt left out, experienced longing to be a part, to get to have a seat at that table?
Me, too.
That’s why I love the picture of the Good Shepherd preparing a table before us (Psalm 23). In these days leading to the Thanksgiving celebration, as I ponder how to situate for 30 people I wholly adore, I cannot quit thinking about the joy the Father must have to invite us to be seated with Him. Ephesians says we’re accepted in the Beloved, His sacrifice bought our ticket to be included in the family – a chair at the table awaits.
I sense God’s great love in extending Himself to us, an invitation written in blood. And though we have so often ignored His pursuit, chasing after our own list of dreams and desires and for acceptance in places that will never satisfy our deepest heart’s desires, He prepares a table before us – He raises us up and seats us with Him (Eph. 2.6). In heavenly places – now that is a place of honor, a major party where you’re a treasured guest!
Something about the thought of it – the table, all set in loving anticipation, is just stirring in my heart. I have let the sacredness of a regular shared meal, in these crazy-busy days, the invitation for dinner to people I don’t know that well just pass by. But I hear God calling me back to a time I wholly practiced the beauty of the sharing of a regular supper. Oh good grief, He is killing me. I am too old to think of fixing big meals again, right? Yet, I want to reflect the heart of God, on earth as it is in heaven, as He prepares for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It’s a big deal.
I am picking up my library-borrowed copy of Shauna Niequest’s Bread and Wine today. SO looking forward to it. I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more about the family-table from me because this 1 minute and 52 seconds of video just fired. me. up!
1 John 1.4 Amplified
And we are now writing these things to you so that our joy [in seeing you included] may be full [and your joy may be complete].
We have not been excluded from the festivities. We are accepted and beloved. Let’s share that amazing joy!
TV Themes really are woven into our musical-brains in a unique way. They signal certain years and seasons of our lives with distinct and focused clarity. If we loved the show, the theme probably added to it. When we heard it coming on, we ran from the kitchen with our popcorn and Pepsi in hand, it’s time, our hearts beating faster. **Smile.
In these days of Tivo and Apple TV, Netflix and Hulu-Plus, we watch whole seasons in a week or two, treating shows more like a mini-series than episodic TV, and if you watch more than one episode at a time, it does become monotonous to hear many of the themes over and over. But if the theme actually adds to the fun or the intrigue or the feel of the show, then I must insist on experiencing the song again and again.
Like with Mad Men: the musical theme is a must. It sets a sexy tone of intrigue whether I am marathoning or just fitting one episode into my evening. When the grandbebes are here, they beg to watch Gilligan’s Island over and over and the song is key to the slapstick fun!
Wouldn’t that just be fun? If, right before you arrived to meet your friend for coffee at Starbucks, or as you were coming down the stairs in the morning, a song started playing – a song that captured your essence and impish sweetness and set the tone for a special half-hour with you? I want that, dangit! I want to be wearing a yellow dress, just sort of gliding through life and have the world break forth in song in my wake. Hahahahaha! I laugh, but I may not actually kidding…*ahem
I sat down with a pen and wrote a quick list of some of my favorite TV theme songs from my growing up years. It is one of the fastest lists I have ever made. I had to keep crossing things off to keep the list from being my top FIFTY favs to just being 20…or so. ;)
A Spotify Playlist follows.
“Hello, world, here’s the song that we’re singin’
C’mon get happy!
A whole lot of lovin’ is what we’ll be bringin’
We’ll make you happy!We had a dream we’d go travelin’ together,
We’d spread a little love and then we’d keep movin’ on.
Somethin’ always happens whenever we’re together
We get a happy feelin’ when we’re singing a song.Trav’lin’ along there’s a song that we’re singin’
C’mon get happy!
A Whole lot of lovin’ is what we’ll be bringin’
We’ll make you happy!
We’ll make you happy!
We’ll make you happy!”
I recall quite a few shows for a girl with no TV at home from the mid-60s until the World Series of 1971, huh?
UNO:::The Mary Tyler Moore Show, “Who can turn the world on with her smile?” I wanted to grow up and wear the outfits she was wearing and “take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile,” and toss my hat into the air in the middle of the city just like Mary. The great strength of this show was an incredible supporting cast, strong characters and how it visually captured changing times. Great lyrics, warmth, memory-making, fun-to-sing! One of the best ever ~ and the one that sparked me thinking about TV themes because this actually could be a theme song for my great niece, Emilee. :)
DOS:::That Girl! (Marlo Thomas) I loved this show, but Marlo carried most of it. She did have the amazing Donald (her TV boyfriend), but her supporting cast didn’t do enough for her, I don’t think. “She’s everything that every girl should be….That girl!”
have led to today’s:
Uno + Dos + Tres = ::: New Girl starring Zoey Daschenal. This is one of my fav TV show themes ever, really! “Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s me!” Oops, “It’s Jess!” Well, I mean – I was wishing for some props like these and ya know: my own theme song.
Here is a YouTube playlist of all three openings. That Girl ~ Mary Tyler Moore Show ~ New Girl. Do I need to submit any further evidence of the need for a personal theme song? It ensures good lighting at all times, a fabulous wardrobe, and hats and good hair days, together or on their own. *sigh….
I saw so many other shows with great themes, too. Like Room 222, which I think I wrote a whole blog post about a few years back. Of course you cannot deny the power of Gilligan’s Island to make. you. crazy!!! I hate it, but the theme song is catchy. There was Hawaii 5-0, Bewitched (which I wasn’t supposed to like because of witches), and Family Affair, not to mention The Munsters…and so many more!
Many of these are not actually the original, but this is a fun, happy, good-memory kind of playlist, anyway!
“Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
I was so foolish and ignorant—
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.” –Ps. 73.21-24 nlt
A glorious destiny – It IS a wonderful thought!
“My needs are small, I buy them all at the 5 & 10-cent store. I’ve got plenty to be thankful for!”
Bing Crosby sings those words in Holiday Inn, 1942
The video wasn’t embeddable, but fun scene. Watch it! CLICK ABOVE.
It’s November. I don’t know exactly why I tend to so expressly observe times and seasons and months like I do. I just need to understand the time I am in…what is it for?
They taught us that in elementary school: in September it is yellow school busses and rain galoshes and sharpened yellow pencils and cursive handwriting practice. Then came the jack-o-lanterns of October, coloring spooky houses and friendly ghosts on math worksheets.
“Over the river and through the wood to grandmother’s house we go,” got trotted out each November in music class. I couldn’t have dreamed I’d ever be a grandmother and to this day I trace my grandchildren’s hands and make “turkeys” just the way I learned to do it in Kindergarten a hundred years ago. November was thankfulness and cornucopias and the browns and oranges and deep golds of crispy leaves blowing along the curb while we walked to school.
I like to mark the times, the days, the seasons and this IS a month for gratefulness. So many things should be marked with an official “thank-you,” and sometimes in the hurried months we forget. So November comes and reminds me. That is what this time is for.
O God, you have been good. You have been faithful to all generations.
It’s topaz and crisp mornings and where did all these falling leaves come from? It’s pumpkin-everything and Thanksgiving time and ok to start watching Christmas movies now. It’s All-Saints-Day (count me in!) and sweaters and scarves and good friends and coffee and building altars of remembrance. It’s a good time to rest and enjoy from the abundance of the storehouses the blessings of God on the year.
It’s taking a deep breath and leaving a space for quietness and reflection. It’s leaving a space to live today, in this moment and not already stressed about the holidays and the crazed shopping and every possible thing that must be completed before the year comes to an end. You know that will just take all your joy, don’t you? It’s November – leave some space, just wait a bit…
“November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.” – Clyde Watson
Be careful, my sweets, not to rush into 2014 – not to begin making lofty plans or elevated goals for next year. This one isn’t over yet. November serves a purpose. It is not a month without noble intendment. There are things that need to rest until spring. Let them rest…
I just went out to the yard and thought: what a mess. So much garden clean-up needs done and there are leaves to be raked, but really? I kinda like it. I thought it was pretty. This are the scenes that caught my eye around the yard and out the doors…
The late afternoon was slipping into early evening, the foliage letting loose of its blazing, glorious hold.
The Scented Geranium is blushing. Hello, St. Francis. Happy All Saints Day. Burning bush. Burning away.
“Some one” took “my” potted mums, **ahem. Tara. ;)
Leaves. Who wants to come and rake?
This is just in one tiny, suburban yard. Just think what the rest of the world holds out there! Go. Find. ENJOY! :) Have a great weekend!