
My best stuff

These are the things I cook or bake or make that I get the most positive response from, sort of the foods I have a reputation for.  A list. 


  • Chicken and dumplings  {hands-down favorite}
  • Olive balls
  • Crab Spread with Bookbinder’s Cocktail Sauce
  • Pizza Rolls
  • Mac & Cheese (NOT Kraft!)
  • Garlic-Butter White Sauce Vegetable Lasagna (with meatballs and marinara on the side, of course)
  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes  {soooo creamy wonderful!}


  • Spinach-Artichoke Dip with Pita Chips or warm, crunchy tortilla chips
  • Italian Nachos with crispy-fried won-ton chips
  • Green Chile
  • Swedish Meatballs
  • Garlic-Cheese Biscuits
  • Cilantro Salsa
  • Chicken Filling for Tacos and Quesadillas


  • Iced tea.  Amber lusciousness.
  • Lemon-Lime Sherbert Punch. The green-glow refreshment.
  • Cucumber Sandwiches (crunchy AND juicy)


  • Chimichangas, Rocky-style
  • Sesame Cabbage Salad
  • Popcorn Salad
  • Lime-Cilantro Slaw


  • Lemon-poppyseed cake
  • Lazy Peach Dessert
  • Old-fashioned Fruit Pizza
  • Strawberry Shortcake 
  • Pumpkin Spice Cake (inventing my own cake flavors is my favorite)
  • Peanut Butter Balls
  • Butter Cookies
  • Sugar Cookies on sticks {they really are as delicious as they look!}
  • Cream Cheese Icing


  • Bacon-Corn Chowder
  • Broccoli-Cheese Soup
  • Potato Soup
  • Runzas (Ok, yes, in Nebraska I referred to these as mystery-meat-sandwiches, but mine are pretty tasty and sometimes called Harvest Burgers or Kraut Burgers here in Colorado, but I still call them Runzas).

Tried once ~ no one ever wanted again:

  • Deep-fried pickles (I liked them)
  • Corned Beef and Cabbage (it was St. Patrick’s Day, we were going to watch “The Quiet Man.”  Who knew?)

Plan to try soon ~ will these make the cut?

  • Crispy Zucchini Chips
  • Zucchini Cakes (like potato cakes, only…)
  • Deep-fried Candy Bars  {OH YES I am going to try these!}

Things I never make anymore, but love and should do again

  • Apple Crisp
  • Cheesecakes {with a “surprise” crust}
  • Cinnamon Rolls
  • Cream Puffs
  • Filled Savory Puffs
  • Salmon Chowder
  • Shrimp Gumbo
  • Red Beans and Rice

Tredessa has been after me for years now to recipe-ize these things, and many others, for very few of them have a written “recipe.”  So I am trying to do that, including the story of where and from whom I got the recipe and variations she could try.  And it stretches me.  I cook by “sense,” what seems or feels like it will work?  The door is always open for disaster.  Tredessa is meticulous and follows known, tried-and-true procedure with a guarantee of a perfect product.  So in this  particular arena, I guess I am pretty brave.  Haha.  But it all goes with my philosophy about food in general:

If you use ingredients you adore, in almost any combination, they will be scrumptious!

Tell me your best recipe that should become a favorite of mine!!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Get three recipes to Dessa this week!

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12 thoughts on “Yum

  1. So, these last few weeks I’ve been trying to figure out what thinner than me people eat so I can start eating like them. Your list was not helpful. :) ha ha Yummy! Sounds good.
    One of my good things is snickerdoodle cookies with a chocolate kiss in the middle. Part of liking them is the name. Say it with me: Snickerdoodle. Makes me smile. Also I make Chicken Divan. It is a fan favorite at our house and Paul’s mom’s veggie soup.

  2. Well… I can make Lasagna, that is one of the only things I can really make, and not from a box…

    However, I recently attempted cup cakes and frosting from scratch, it needs to be perfected but it was good for the 1st attempt… other than those items, I can make great reservations!

  3. Here is one to die for! You don’t even have to like mushrooms to love this!

    Mushroom Casserole

    2 containers fresh mushrooms, sliced
    1 Onion, diced
    Garlic salt to taste
    1 1/2 sticks butter
    12 oz Grated mozzarella cheese
    5 slices bread, cubed
    1/2 cup sour cream

    Saute onion in butter; add mushrooms; add garlic salt, pepper, and sour cream. Pour over cubed bread; mix thoroughly. Pour 1/2 mixture in greased casserole dish; top with cheese; repeat. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. To Die For!

    Recipe Source
    Source: Violet Hansen (my Mother)

  4. My family all time favorite cookies:
    Apple Cookies

    Cream together
    1 C. sugar
    ½ C. shortening
    Sift together and add 2 C. flour
    1 tsp. Soda
    ¾ tsp. Salt
    1 tsp. Vanilla
    ¾ tsp. Baking Powder
    A large apple
    Some sugar and cinnamon and nutmeg

    Grate one large apple. Mix into dough (dough will be stiff). Roll into 1” balls. Roll balls in mixture of 2 T. sugar, 1/8 tsp. Nutmeg, ¼ tsp. Cinnamon. Bake on greased cookie sheet for 9-12 minutes at 350º.

    And a favorite dinner recipe: Asian meatballs:
    1 ½ lb hamburger
    ¾ c oatmeal
    2 eggs
    ½ c chopped onion
    ½ c milk
    1 t salt
    ½ t pepper
    1 t worcestershire
    ¾ c brown sugar
    ½ c vinegar
    2 t mustard
    ½ c bbq sauce
    2 t worcestershire
    Combine ingredients for meatballs and shape. Bake 350 for 35-40 minutes. Drain grease. Put in casserole dish and pour sauce over. Bake 30 more minutes. Serve with white rice.

    1. Bryan! That is because a T O M A T O, God’s very best and most delicious creation, stands alone. It needs nothing more. It IS perfection. I need not cook it, nor add to it to make it THE most delectable, luscious, ambrosial, powerfully gratifying, aperitive, succulent, saporous, mouth-watering, enticing, heavenly, nectarous, scrumptious and most tasty food ever! Seriously, Bryan. How could even I take credit for something so…perfecto? God and God alone is to be given the glory for the tomato.

  5. I think you protest too much. 13 adjectives in one sentence? If tomatoes are that good why do they need defended so vigorously? HMMM…… I think that you are really a closeted tomhater. It’s OK Jeanie when you finally decide to admit that I’m right, I’ll be here for you. I’ll start a support group.
    P.S. This blog is mostly about what your friends favorites are. Where are the tomato laden dishes that they request? There are none. That’s because they are all just enabling your addiction by telling you that they love them too.

  6. OMGosh Jeanie! Alllll of that stuff sounds amazing! I’d even try the deep fried pickle… and, if you need a taste tester for the deep fried candy bars.. I will step up and taste em for you ;)

    You are an AMAZING cook, and believe it or not, I find myself craving your Chicken and Dumplings. *hint hint* :)

    Mmmmm. I’m hungry now… and I have yucky dining hall food. Bleh! :)

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