with every Christmas card I write…

SO late with my Christmas cards this year.

Stormie usually does all the payout and design work for me, including narrowing down the photos.  But dangit.  I am a grandma.  I cannot hardly bear to leave a photo out of the line up, seriously!

Since I don’t Photoshop and I am woefully behind on Stephanie’s wonderful Gimp lessons, I am having to make do with the Monkey…which now charges me money to use it and I  am not getting anything new that I wasn’t using for free just a week ago.  Just in time for my card!  Boo..  Watch out Gimp, here I come.

Anyway.  I am such a novice.  But I am trudging away.  Sneak peek…

Waaaaay less words this year.  Just a super-simple message from Luke 2.10,11.  :)

Secrets about the shoot?  The main, front & center camera had a disaster and none of the pics turned out.  Two angels didn’t have halos until we were wrapping up.  It was cold.  It was in Ryan and Tredessa’s back yard.  Hunter’s head tie came from his shepherd’s robe from 2008.  I totally forgot to hot-glue the sides of Gavin’s robe.  And yes, all the costumes were made from fabric and hot glue.  What else?  We  missed Wrex.  And all his animals.  And oh, how I love that my grandbebes let me do this with them!!!

Finally – we thought it would be fun to just leave the kids outside to play in their costumes while we went inside to prepare a snack and hot chocolate for them.  I told Hunter to feel free to “direct” a pageant, if he so desired.

As I was about to step inside the door, he was explaining that they would begin with the angels visiting the shepherd in the field. Hunter then yelled, “From the top!”

At which time Averi simultaneously announced, as she lifted her outer robe, “I’m gonna put this baby back up inside me.”

Hahhahahahahahhaha!!!  Love these kids!

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