
Two large, colorful, beautiful Monarch butterflies just flew about the backyard, diving and swooping, flirtatiously fluttering for full effect. 

I, in turn, thanked them wholeheartedly for stopping by (clapping and cheering at their arrival) and have given them full use of the yard at their discretion.  “Bring friends,” I encouraged.  For until I have filled the pots with annuals (we mustn’t let temptation for color coax us into doing this earlier than Mother’s Day here in Zone 5), the Monarchs shall be the kaleidescope of wonder.

The birds seem ever-so-slightly put out at my response to the lovlies, having provided song and sweetness for months now.  But they will get over it when they see what I have in mind for them

To be continued….

Post Script ~ The conflict with the interloping garlic chives continues this year.  As if I did not not win some of the battles last season?  They are as fat and invasive as ever.

1 thought on “Two

  1. You do have a way with words, honey…
    The Monarchs are beautiful and still to follow, the Tiger Swallowtails, the Cadilacs of the butterfly world. But get rid of those pesky VW cabbage butterflies, fowl, vile, pustules!
    And for the chives? Well if you like garlic, they are a delicious treat…
    And I do.

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