The Prayer

I need an encounter with You, O God.
Real and unfiltered.
An uncensored, no-holds-barred Experience.
A Meeting between You and me,
Face to face,
During which something happens to me,
And I know it.


I need an encounter with YOU.
I need an encounter with You, O God.
A solid and uncushioned collision
With the rock wall of Your will,
A crossroads at which I can no longer
stall a move Toward You,
A moment in time during which
something changes in me,
And I know it.


I need an encounter with YOU.
I must have an encounter with You, O God.
Though I know for sure You are true,
I hunger for You, and I simply will not go on –
Unless and until I deal directly with You.


Please understand, I'm not making threats,
Though the desperate often do.
What I am saying is:
Nothing Else Has Meaning
Unless, O God, there is YOU.


O My God, Let me feel Your heat;
Let me know Your fire;
Let me experience Your life.
Do what You want to
Do what You must do
Just let me encounter You.
I must experience –
I must know –
I need an encounter with You, O God.
I need to have Your heat –
I feel so cold.
I need to have Your life –
I feel so old.
I need an encounter with YOU.
I must feel –
O God,
I've got to have an encounter
With YOU.  -Rev. Tim Cynova

Awesome prayer.  How did this guy hear my desperation?…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Pray and wait and pray and listen and pray and be changed.

image from Carol Ann's blog

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