“The LORD God planted a garden…”

Genesis 2.8 NKJV  “The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there He put the man whom He had formed.”


And if we are smart – we will make every effort to get back to the garden with Him!

Gardening can seem overwhelming, but it isn’t if you take it step-by-step, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept…

First things first.

If you believe you are sorely behind to be able to garden this year – you’re NOT!   Spend 5-15 minutes each day this week cleaning up debris from the fall and winter.  Clear out dead leaves, sweep patios and empty all of last year’s potting soil into a large trash can.  It can be re-used, of course, but we’ll add some good stuff to it and re-freshen it for this year.  Hose down the pots and line them up.

Does that seem overwhelming?  Then just tell yourself: I’ll clean up a 3-foot x 3-foot area.  that’s all.  I am betting you’ll like it so  much you’ll want to keep on, but if not, stop there.  Little by little, it can be done.

Do you know what you’ll see?  Green everywhere.  Perennials will have been emerging that will suddenly “show up!”  You will have a fresh clean palette in which to work.

hunter-spring-07 hunter-summer-07-3 hunter-summer-07-2 037 late-august-08-003-copy

Start indoors.

It is safe to go ahead and start some things indoors now (because our final frost date of May 10 is approaching quickly).  Any annual flower or vegetable seeds, really – have at it!  If you have a super-sunny windowsill or a grow light, you’ll have nicely established seedlings in mid-May, right when you want them for outdoor planting.

Sow outdoors.

There are actually things you can be planting directly outdoors already.  My broccoli has been in the ground (from seedlings) for a couple of weeks and last week’s weather didn’t phase them a bit.  I put out onion sets yesterday and they could have been in earlier.  Right now it is safe to plant radishes and carrots, sugar snap peas and spinach and chard and lettuces.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you my current garden “plan of attack.”  I am like everybody else: busy.  So, it has to get tucked in here and there, but it will be so worth it when you see that you have buried a seed and caused new life to explode – first in the garden, later (if you do veggies) into your body!

C’mon – give it a try!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Give up on the fingernails…for now.

pictured:  Hunter in the garden 2007 and 2008

5 thoughts on ““The LORD God planted a garden…”

  1. I am so glad you are writing this…I need help and a nudge. Now I feel like I can have some sort of plan. I am counting on you to take me step by step. Tomorrow, if it is nice, I am going out to do my 3 x 3 area. And, I think I will plant some of my seeds into some pots since you say it is not too late.

  2. Thanks! I wasn’t sure what I could start now. I’ve been to the store and looked at seeds and thought about what I might plant. As soon as this party is over I’m all over that dirt! Do you think its okay to compost just were I’m planting? And could I put grass clippings around my plants?

    1. Grass clippings are actually very healthy to leave right on your lawn! If they decompose there, 50% of the nutrients cut off will go back into the soil. You CAN use them as a mulch around your plants but NOT if they have ever had weed control or pre-emergent applied to them. Then-that is hard on your veggies and flowers.

      If you mix your food scraps and so forth right into the soil, they will be less likely to help this year’s plants, as they will be busy decomposing. It is better to turn it into compost first and then put it in the soil.

      Compost good!

  3. This is great! Last year I let the time get away from me and Zach and I were so sad that we didn’t get to watch our garden grow. I’m going to get out there and work on my 3 x 3 tomorrow evening….you’ve inspired me! What do you know about coffee grows mixed into the soil?

    1. Coffee grounds are fine to throw in. Anything like that is really better to throw into a compost-maker, though, because the actual deterioration/breakdown process does require things from the soil-which can detract it from our plant roots. I just found a way to make a small composter from an old trash can I think I will soon share! I MISS composting. So natural, so green, so delish for the dirt!

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