The Gavinators

Hopefully it is true what they say when they say :: Better late than never.  Because, this is late.

Gavin turned 8 over a month ago and I just got his video finished, for a whole slew of really valid and extremely interesting reasons.  Yeah, right. It just took the Gav and I awhile to sync our schedules.

LOVE this boy.  Wrote about his birthday HERE. And now, for the movie we made together using, yes, songs from the 60s and 70s because that is what I do (he wanted rock -n- roll, for sure).  Gavin loves life and embraces it with abandoned fervor.  That is what I hoped to capture in a few photos and a little video:


3 thoughts on “The Gavinators

  1. Happy 8th Birthday, Gavin! Great video, looks like you had a lot of fun. Your mohawk is so cool.

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