The Angels are STILL singing!

True confessions:  My Christmas card “greeting” this year is shamelessly ripping off Jack Hayford’s Christmas teaching, “The Angels are Still Singing” because I so LOVE this timeless message.

For these days and these times, for the the things that made 2010 maybe a less-than-perfect year and for the brokenness that sneaks up on us season after season, for the weariness that comes from a battle being waged against us by the enemy of our souls, for the good times and in spite of the bad times ~ 

and mostly for the hope that remains because Jesus Christ came ~ a SAVIOR, remember today:

The angels that sang and rejoiced in the sky pronouncing PEACE & GOODWILL on the night Jesus Christ was born are the same angels who now attend to the household of faith!  “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”  Hebrews 1.14

Dig it, friends and familia!  The angels of the Lord are near.  Listen for the song – it’ll be good news for sure.  Did you notice how often the angels said “fear not”? 

Our Christmas card this year:

Click on the image, then click again to see in full size (cuz it is a big card! :D )

This image was captured in early November at a nearby farm (remember the world’s largest corn maze?!?)  Gavin 7; Hunter 6; Guinivere 5; Gemma May 3; Averi-J 2 1/2; Amelie Belle 7 mos.; Sawyer 3 mos.

Merry Christmas, PEACE and GOODWILL to you and a very Happy New Year! ~ from the Rhoades family!

5 thoughts on “The Angels are STILL singing!

  1. How wonderful to be a part of GOD’S Great Family!
    Shameless or not, The message is still true!
    May God Bless and keep you and yours on this Christmas Season!
    May the Lord of our Salvation Bless and keep you and Shine through you this season and all year long!
    Helen and I Love you Very, Very Much! We pray blessings and Love for you this year!
    Your old, mean uncle!

    1. Thanks, Pearl. LOVE to you and the fam, too. And to my SWEET Uncle Donald. I forgive you, Uncle, for those army-combat boots comments when I was 8. I forgive you, really!!! Haha! :D

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