Tag Archives: third thursday supper club


Friends.  Food.  Warm fire.  Funny stories.  Burden-sharing.  Honesty.  Love.  Receiving advice.  Coffee at midnight. Marshmallows and chocolate.  Stars in a clear sky.  Chill in the air.  Staying up really, really late.  Uncommonly amazing women of all ages with common hearts (I’m the only one of this group regularly receiving AARP-pooey mail, though, so maybe my heart isn’t in as good of shape?).

9-17-09-3rd-th group-2-3rd-th-9-17-09

amy-jos-baby-bump-9-17-09-3rd-th me-pearl-amy-jo-9-17-09 pearl-and-patrice-9-17-09-3rd-th

pearls-fire-9-17-09 marshmallows-9-17-09-3rd-th 

Everyone should find some life-giving friendships.