Tag Archives: the grandbabies

That cute Kelley family


Stephanie and Tristan have been married since December 27, 2001.  I told them, having been a retail store manager at the time of their wedding (they got engaged and planned  a wedding during THE most brutal 4 retail months in an effort, I was quite certain at the time, designed to kill me), that I would eventually forgive them for their timing.  And I can truly say I have.


Tristan told us he could remember church people (at The Assembly of God in Fort Wayne, IN) saying things like, “There go those red-headed Kelley kids,” about him and his sister when they were little.  Maybe they knew, or maybe they were unaware, but that little Kelley kid grew up to be an awesome man.  I am so honored to call him son, so glad he married my daughter and is a daddy to my grand-bebes. 

And the kid can play the drums.  Geesh.  And just about every known instrument in the world. 

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Now I have my own little red-headed Kelley kids to chase after.  Ahhhh.  The grandbebes.

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Gavin is 6.  He is in the first grade now and if he has his way will never. miss. one. day. of. school.  Not ever.


Guinivere is 4 and knows a secret at all times.  Listen closely and you may get to hear it.

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Gemma is 2 and so delightfully good at it!

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Stephanie and Tristan are a colorful couple.  He is simply the most amazingly intelligent person in the fam.  We all call Tris about everything.  Everything!  And he knows everything about, well, everything.  He works at Dare2Share by day and teaches music lessons (need some?) and does consulting and building websites in his “spare” time.


Stephanie is hanging at home with the kids these days, planning future trips and vacations to New York and London, their favorite cities.  She is exquisite and unique.  She is passionate, but so level and cool.  She is a suburban mommy with big-city taste.  She is so good at mothering these three, I wish I’d have had her as an example back in the day.  And she loves Tristan.

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Tredessa and Stormie did this photo shoot for Steph this summer (a delayed birthday present).

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I think they are a beautiful and dazzling family and I am certain there is no prejudice in that!

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all photos taken in Denver


I painted white numbers, 1 – 5, on the black breakfast bar stools the kids painted for me for Mother’s Day.  I used 5 different fonts and blew them up to about 250 points, but then I decided to make them all about 4″ high and that seemed to actually disappate some of the uniqueness of the variety of fonts, but I still like ’em.  I waxed them for protection (Minwax for Furniture – the old-fashioned way women used to do their furniture). 

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You’d think the grandkids would want to sit on them in the order of their birth, but you’d be wrong.  Everyone wants the big numbers now.

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All 5 of the little bebes came over Saturday night and filled the house with happy chaos.  Averi had to go home at 10 o’clock, but the other four spent the night.

At exactly 6:03 a.m., they jumped on to the bed, surrounding me (maybe “swarming” is more accurate) and started saying “Wake up, Nonna!  Wake up!”  And, “It’s gonna be a great day!  Wake up!”  Hunter demonstrated for me how to wipe the sleep from my eyes by twisting my fists over them.  They jumped and jumped until I agreed to get up.

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We started with cereal as an appetizer, followed by cheesy scrambled eggs as the main dish.  Poppa chose the cereal, but my grandbebes all love my eggs.


Somehow we were able to get them all presentable for church (almost had a disaster when Gemma, in her pretty pink polka-dot dress, got into a jar of Vicks…yikes!) and actually arrived on time!

“But from everlasting  to everlasting, the LORD’S love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children’s children…”  Psalm 103.17 NIV

Counting my blessings (as well as my breakfast-bar stools)…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Re-surface that blasted breakfast bar!!!