Tag Archives: the daily prayer

John Eldredge

I REALLY like him.  I use and regularly share The Daily Prayer with friends and family and young women I disciple.  I haven’t read everything he writes, but Walking with God revolutionized me…after The Sacred Romance did (my dad requested I read a copy he’d underlined thoughts in, such treasure!)…after The Journey of Desire did a number of years earlier.  :)

The Journey of Desire: Searching for the Life We Always Dreamed of The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

I did a whole Sacred Romance thing with my friends on this very blog.

Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really.

And certainly have mentioned Walking with God …a little.

Then, this!

I hadn’t been to his site for awhile, but the other day I went to catch up and found that he’d posted an entry on his blog on December 26, 2011 called “I am Bethlehem.”  {See it here}

And I had, if you will recall, posted an entry in December called “I am the Nativity.”  {see it here}

I am smiling as if something wonderful just happened (silly, I know).  I want to say something like “John Eldredge and I think alike,” as if!  But it is just one of those things.  Sorta similar, but not.  One written by some one who is read by millions and one who is read by 7 or 8 on a good day.  *insert self-deprecating laugh

I re-read the post I did and I certainly recognized my words are so influenced by his writings.  What I wrote just came tumbling from my heart in the early dark hours of a winter morning.  But they are also words born of the people, speakers and authors whose revelations have pierced my very soul, line upon line, precept upon precept.  And John Eldredge is way up there on my favs list as an author!  So what felt so powerful and unique to me that day, and for days following, was merely a summary of years of the walk with God and the voices which have spoken in to and impacted my life.

His post was classic John Eldredge.  Mine was a tumbling sensory something-or-another.  They were different.  Yet both inspired by fresh of understanding during the Christmas season of 2011.

And I just kind of think it is cool because I am such a fan.  And I feel kind of validated in a very silly way.  Because God will reveal Himself to us: wildly famous writer, or not so much.  So we shouldn’t be surprised when He does.   But can I just {very indulgently} say I am kind of giddy that God did that?

That’s all.  Just smiling because the same God that spoke to John Eldredge spoke to me.  And to you, too.  You know it is true!