Tag Archives: sister-in-law

Good Blog Read

I read the best blog post!

No kidding – I was reading some one else’s blog, who just happens to be my brother Joe’s wife, Rockin’ Robin.  And it was just such. a. good. post.  I loved it!  She wrote about blogging and all the things a blog is about it.  In one, single post, Robin journaled a Sunday in their household and she presented her recommended book list.  She shared her Christmas wish list and the secrets from her daily planner and to-do list.  She gave a lighthearted and interesting glimpse into theirs lives, these people I adore, and I was just loving it.  I laughed right out loud on some of it and was like, “Awwwww…” on other parts.  I decided about halfway through that I would recommend it to my blog readers as a peek inside the mind and heart of sweet Robin (Elise-the-Niece’s mom, for those of you who know Elise), my friend and sister, Bible teacher, women’s leader, accomplished realtor, amazing mom and wife to the Joe-Joe.  My sister-in-law love, Robin.


I just love this woman and enjoy her writing.  So imagine my surprised delight when I showed up in a list of special people in her life at the end.  I promise that is not why I am recommending this read.  I just love Robin and think you would, too! (And thanks, Robin-for the mention!  You know I’d trust you with my life, right?)

A Few of My Other Fav Bloggers~

Facebook is taking over the universe and some of my favorite bloggers have practically dropped off the face of the earth, rarely-if-ever posting.  But most people are not as graphomaniacal as me.  But among the favorites in my blog box,  some who do still blog regularly, giving me food for thought, are:


Carol Ann Kelly.  She blogs, she FBs, she tweets and she gets more done in a single afternoon than I do all week, I am sure.  Always bright, funny and encouraging, always bringing a smile, read her here.

Marie and I worked together in ministry for a brief time, but she was a gift to me and is planted deeply in my heart.  One of the most intelligent and thought-provoking women I have ever known, Marie can pierce me with a thought (whatever current truth she is personally wrangling with) so deep I think about it for weeks.  She just did it again with her post, “Delicious Ambiguity.”  Read Marie here.

Joel is a thinker.  He is ever reading another mind-boggling book or listening to the intelligesia speak and then summarizing it for his readers.  Saves me lots of time.  He also gifted me with my top book read for 2009, and really probably in my top-20 all-time books, From Eternity to Here, by Frank Viola.  Sometimes you get the right book at the right moment and Joel made that happen for me.  Thanks, kiddo!  Read Joel’s thoughts here.

Not only does she write openly, honestly and poignantly for her new ministry, For Girls Only (she is going to save this generation), Mary V. blogs the story of her little family: her love for her husband and their little boy and the challenges they have faced and overcome these past few years.  The woman blogs!  You can read her delightfully entertaining escapades here (where she also just wrote something very nice for me, so sweet- thank-you, Mary) and her passion for following and taking the next generation of godly young women with her, here.

There are more.  I will talk about them another day. :)

Thanks, blog-family (those mentioned and those on the blogroll).  Thanks for the words that inspire me, the thoughts that blow my mind, the things you share that touch my heart, the ideas I’d never have considered and for giving me a glimpse into your minds and hearts.  Thanks for baring your souls, being gentle with mine, and exposing your fears as you cheer the rest of us on.  As long as you write, I will read! …Jeanie


Robin, my brother Joe’s wife, is one of my closest friends.  I wish I could explain why, in a way that would validate it and at least bring it some redemption, we weren’t close friends for about 23 or 24 years. Not even friends, really.  Just sister-in-laws with the emphasis on the in-law part. Intimidated by her smarts, her insights and my own stupidity, I held her at arm’s length.  Other than knowing the enemy didn’t ever want to see us in agreement, hearts filled with love in God-pleasing unity – there isn’t a good reason.  It was a waste of time.  I tell her now, “I am so sorry for the years we missed.  Please forgive me.”  Now she is a treasured friend, confidante and truly a sister of my heart (not to mentioned a really anointed and insightful Bible teacher).


She emailed me this encouragement yesterday (with just the tiniest bit of editing to protect the innocent):

I think you need to press on. That is my word to your from my own experience. I have allowed despair to thwart forward motion…despair paralyzes [people who] then tuck all hopes and dreams in a little pocket for the good times. It never happens. [The question is] how to rise above and do what we are called to do in the midst of hurt, hopelessness and despair, but I know we are to do it. I am not sure why this Scripture stood out to me this morning but I am thinking it may help both of us.

 Mt. 11:19 – “But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.” NLT

Contextually, John the Baptist, in prison, sends his disciples out to find out if Christ is really the Messiah.  Remember, he saw the dove. Why would he wonder now? I think John the Baptist is completely confused by the fact that he is in prison. Why me and why this. 

A little further on Jesus says, “For John the Baptist didn’t drink wine and he fasted and you say, he’s demon possessed. I, the Son of Man, feast and drink and you say, He’s a glutton and a drunkard and a friend of the worst sinners.”  Then he says “But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”

Sometimes in life, nothing makes sense. Decisions we make to do something for God seem completely out of the norm and make no sense to the others…Just like Jesus said, they are going to say whatever, but in the end, the wisdom will prove itself by the results. I realize it is so hard to trust what you believe God is saying and just do it, but I say, do it. The results will prove the wisdom in it.

Anyway, just a thought or so….love you.. Robin



I am so blessed, Robin.  Thanks for hanging in there with me…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Beg God to restore the years the locust has eaten.  It is ridiculous to live without the beauty of the relationships we could be having…

pictured: some business cards Stormie was helping Robin put together.  Not sure which one she finally chose (or if i was a combination of a couple), but I obviously love the red one on the bottom and that charcoal gray and red one on the top right!