Tag Archives: prep

People help…we are in awe!

The Northern Hills Church building is a-buzz with full-swing prep for Heaven Fest 2009.  Our friends and ministry partners are working their heads off, relentlessly committed to Jesus and this festival.  We remind each other over and over that it is to make His Name glorious.

The pace is so hectic I forget to take pictures, but I want to remember, when it is all passed, with gratefulness.  Here are a few things I will remember from 4 days before:

Stef-with-an-“f” and her crew lining up a thousand volunteers; Rocky on-the-go 

4-days-before-hf-035 4-days-before-hf-043

Lots and lots of materials being delivered  (including 10,000 mis-printed programs – yikes!)and Pam-the-intern making it all happen!

 4-days-before-hf-044 4-days-before-hf-041

25 or so of us gathered on the veranda for 40 Nights of Worship and Intercession, praying, singing, reading the Word

4-days-before-hf-047 4-days-before-hf-049

4-days-before-hf-051 4-days-before-hf-057 

O God, bless these people!  Show up again and show Your glory and may these who have sweat and cried and toiled be blessed with the fruit of their labors.  May they get to see that all of it has been worth it and that Your Name has indeed been made glorious!