We are not static. We are not just standing still. We see ourselves: growing, going forward, whole, healed and changing for the better on good days. On the not so good, we feel like we are one step forward, 2 steps back, like we’ve lost footing, we’re not where we should be, want to be, like changes we didn’t want have been imposed on us, upsetting the settled lives we had planned so carefully. We judge ourselves everyday, don’t we?
2 Corinthians 3.18 “And we all, with unveiled faces who contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His very likeness in ever-increasing glory.”
David C. Cook just released the first video session of Staci Eldredge’s Becoming Myself series. In it, she says we long for change in us because we are meant to have it. She says our very dissatisfaction with our weaknesses reminds us that they are not our destiny and that God promises to transform us – in ever-increasing glory.
How intriguing is this?
“What if change is simply Me unveiling who you really are?”