Quoteable Home

Who said this?  “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”



“…in this house…we are living our days in contentment and grace…”  Alexandra Stoddard


“Home should be a very personal oasis, a refuge from trends, prentiousness, ‘in and outs.’  Home should reflect the things we love and the people we care about.”  Joann R. Barwick in House Beautiful,  January 1989

“‘Second hand,’ or ‘already loved.'”  Mary Emmerling

“Economy often begets creativity.”  Mary Emmerling


[In home decor], “I work for an unstudied, unpackaged effect.”  -Winslow

A pine table is a proper thing, but a pine table that pretends to be black walnut is an abomination.”  Ella Church Rodman


“Start Fresh. 

Strip your place of everything – remove light fixtures, ugly hardware, hinges, doors, moldings, carpets – anything that is ugly and you don’t like it.”  Alexandra Stoddard in Style for Living

This whole home-making thing started with this post.

pictured from top: a corner of Robin’s house featuring the oak clawfoot pedestal table some one gave to Dave and Tara who gave it to me before I gave it to Joe and Robin;  a rooster Robin recently purchased on a treasure-shopping expidition; Hunter jumping on the couch this morning

2 thoughts on “Quoteable Home

  1. The picture of the rooster doesn’t begin to tell the story of a great day junking with Robin yesterday! I’ve been under a lot of stress and really needed a day of “hunting”. Robin & I braved the cold and found a trunkful of treasures. I’ve spent most of the day packing away Christmas decorations and setting out my finds from our trip to Bristol.

  2. Title: Home Sweet Home
    Author: John Howard Payne

    Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
    Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home;
    A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there,
    Which, seek through the world, is ne’er met with elsewhere.
    Home, Home, sweet, sweet Home!
    There’s no place like Home! there’s no place like Home!

    An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;
    O, give me my lowly thatched cottage again!
    The birds singing gayly, that came at my call,–
    Give me them,–and the peace of mind, dearer than all!
    Home, Home, sweet, sweet Home!
    There’s no place like Home! there’s no place like Home!

    How sweet ’tis to sit ‘neath a fond father’s smile,
    And the cares of a mother to soothe and beguile!
    Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam,
    But give me, oh, give me, the pleasures of home!
    Home, Home, sweet, sweet Home!
    There’s no place like Home! there’s no place like Home!

    To thee I’ll return, overburdened with care;
    The heart’s dearest solace will smile on me there;
    No more from that, cottage again will I roam;
    Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.
    Home, Home, sweet, sweet Home!
    There’s no place like Home! there’s no place like Home!

    -THE END-
    John Howard Payne’s poem: Home Sweet Home

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