Like her cousins before her…

It’s Averi’s turn! I pre-schooled Gavin first, then Hunter. Then I got Guini time. And most recently there was Gemma, right up until almost Heaven Fest. She is having fun in Kindergarten now. Averi actually joined Gemma for a while and the three of us had lots of fun.
But now? It is just Averi and Nonna time.
She is a very eager learner.
She is also above-average smart and way ahead of the pre-school curve. And I am not just saying that because I am her Nonna. It is TRUE! :)
Crayon shavings. Must have sharp crayons!
AWE!!!!! She LOVED school sooooo much! She kept asking after her homework, “Do I have more to do?”!! She wanted more homework! She LOVES her Nonna and the time she gets with her!! Love you!