Pray for my Dad

The phone call you don’t want to get.


Last night my papasan had a heart attack.  He, the strong one, the one who got his blood pressure under control a few years back and who eats right and exercises and got his cholesterol numbers where they should be and is a bit of a health nut. He, of the type-a, driven variety, but who, having added being healthy to his task list, seemed to have conquered all issues, the victor.  My sweet little mom said, “This wasn’t suppose to happen to him.  He is so healthy.”

But he comes from some pretty substantial unhealthiness genetically and the oft’ heart-attacked.  Some things you can’t outrun.  But he was never one to run, anyway.  He will face it full in the face and become the victor once again.  One artery was fully blocked and another a lot blocked.  They put stints in and he is recuperating and doing well.  And in charge, par usual, I am hearing.

Pray for him with me, OK?  He’s my dad, the first man in my life and my personality doppleganger.  I thank God for him and I thank God for being with him through this, for His faithfulness to my dad for all the years of his life.  And mine.

But my dad better mellow out a little…or else.  He is on MY list now.

UPDATE 5.5.10 ~ After a little late-night heart surgery Monday, by Tuesday afternoon he was requesting to go home to recuperate where he could ‘really get some rest’.  I am glad they kept him though, so my mom can rest!  He will probably go home today and said he actually is feeling much better than on Monday.  Mom said she could barely keep up with his to-do lists even though he in a hospital bed, which secretly makes her very happy. 

UPDATE 5.7.10 ~ He is home and doing really well.  He started his walking routine again today, though he tried to back it off from the norm.  He sounds energetic and happy and grateful to God for his quick recovery.  He did say that the 3 or 4 hours he delayed in going to the hospital did cause some permanent damage, but in the ICU the morning after the surgery, the staff already knew he was quite unlike the other patients and was recovering very quickly.  Within a week, he should be back at most things.  Crazy.  Good.  Thank-you, Lord!

6 thoughts on “Pray for my Dad

  1. On it. I’m a serious daddy’s girl. I know this would shake me really badly. Please keep us posted!

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