My great friend and co-mother-in-law-&-nonna (we share a son and daughter and our grandson, Hunter, through the blessed marriage of Dave and Tara Powers), is one of the most awesome Bible teachers on the planet! I love to be around people who whet my appetite and desire for the things of the Lord like she does. What a blessing to be related to her in both the natural and the Spirit!
Mary Jean is the founder and president of Get the Word Out! Intensives, which are short, powerful weekends of immersion in the Word of God, teaching you to study to know Him, the Living Word.
I am letting you know this because there is a Basic Intensive coming up that is both affordable and local (if you live in the Denver-area). The basic is like attending Bible 101, except: no grades, just LIFE!!! It's a Friday night and all day Saturday and will provide clarity for you on the Truth and Credibility of the Word of God, the authority of the Word, the Word as both Logos and Rhema, and encountering Jesus, who is the Living Word.
You can see more details on the Itinerary page at (It's $20 by March 7, e-mail Mary Jean:, to let her know you're coming. To be held at Northern Hills on Colorado and 160th Ave. west of Brighton)
If you would like to hear God speak directly to you everytime you open your Bible, if you find Bible reading hard to understand or sometimes overwhelming, you should attend this thing. This one weekend could change everything for you in your walk with Christ – it is that potentially powerful! I am not kidding.
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. Psalm 119.103
Hey you – yes YOU! You're suppose to try this thing out! It's time and you know it!
Get into the Word and let the Word get into you!…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: Let the Word of Christ dwell in me richly…(Col. 3.16)