I Had to Quit My Day Job

I have this understood deal with my family: if you go – I pray.  I have to.  That's my part.

I did not comprehend the wisdom of God in this when He "invited me" out of the rat race almost 2 years ago (my day job) via pain, loss of identity and brokenness (God was actually resisting me – check out James 4.6 if you, too, are feeling resisted).  But I get it a bit more now. There was something much more needful!

So this week, they are going, and I am praying:  Dave is in South Africa leading worship and preaching it up and establishing ministry centers;  Tara and Steph and Stormie are heading to Dallas with their "revivalist" hearts, seeking God's instruction at Jesus Culture (getting Him out of the church and into the world); Mary Jean is in Toronto doing street ministry, walking among the homeless and hurting; Tristan is faithfully at work at Dare2Share, part of daring teens to to share the Good News; Tredessa is in Kansas City at a Living Waters Conference, being trained to bring healing to people in the "broken places" by the power of the Holy Spirit; Rocky will lead hundreds in worship this week, while he and Jovan instill a God-love into tiny, baby Averi.  My husband is out there teaching civilians and military alike, with broad influence over the corporate DTC world. 

So, in addition to being a wife, a mom (even though they are grown-I'll always be their mommy) and a Nonna, right there alongside my ministry/mission work with Worship and the Word Movement and working behind-the-scenes for Heaven Fest, I am standing in the gap in intercession for my family.  I will remember them before the Lord, I will call out their names, I will cover them in prayer and agree with what God has to say about them by praying His Word over them. 

If they go, I pray.  That is the deal…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  There is nothing else I could do that would be of more value to my family, keep on praying…

pictured: the fam at Easter

9 thoughts on “I Had to Quit My Day Job

  1. Can I go to South Africa, too?  Jeanie, you are such an inspiration to this young, unsure wife.  Thank you for being the woman God's called you to be so girls like me can watch you and know what to strive toward.

  2. I am so grateful to have parents like you who pray for us endlessly. It is a legacy I know has been passed down through your parents and I pray that it continues with all of us and our children. Love you!

  3. Thanks, Jeanie, for sharing your heart.  Not only do you bless your children with prayer and Godly support, but so many others as well.  The journey has definitely been an interesting one for you, I know, but we are all benefiting from God's gentle lessons in your life.  Your friendship – wisdom, insight, patience with me blesses me more than you know! Much love!

  4. Thanks Mom!  I am SO excited to go on this trip this weekend.  I am so glad that you are praying for us – it will help!  Love you!  p.s.- can't wait to see Kim Walker!;o)

  5. Thanks for praying, mama!  I definitely felt it this week and needed it.  Like Storm and the others have said, it's such a blessing to have parents who pray for their kids.  Thank you for passing that down to us.

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