Happy Birthday, Stormie Dae!

I see in my mind’s eye a big healthy baby – 9 pounds, 10 ounces.  Two weeks past her due date, she arrives: peacefully, happily.  She settles in as the newest and final addition to the home of love being built by my lover and me.  She is the object of affection and delight to her four older siblings.  She is a reward and gift to her mommy and daddy. 

Chunky at birth, she elongates into a tall-for-her-age, skinny pre-schooler who uses her voice, sweet and syrupy, to melt us and get everything she wants. 

She is 5 with a tiny heart-shaped face and big, expressive eyes.  There is a big yellow bow in her tightly permed hair and she twirls in a polka-dot skirt.  She doesn’t just like school, she looooooooves school!

She runs, during the elementary days, to keep up with her brother.  If he is playing baseball, so is she.  If he is madly roller-blading – she will keep up.  Though we fear her tiny frame may snap from the pace, she is ever just an “nth” of a step behind Rocky.

As a teen, she follows Jesus with all her heart.  She prays her sister, with tears, back from the brink.  She becomes a stained glass artist and stars in the school play.  She learns to drive while worshipping her head off in the car with her mama.  She is a blessing. 

Age and maturity reveal one of the kindest people I have ever known.  She serves and cares and quietly sets things aright.  She is 23 now.  The baby is 23.  And I love her.

I don’t know where the years have gone, Stormkins, but I cherish every moment you have been mine.  I love you so deeply,  my sweet baby girl.  All 23 candles on represent a wish I have for you this year.

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Twenty-three Wishes for Stormie on Her 23rd Birthday

  1. I wish for you to “prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”  3 Jn 1.2 nkjv
  2. I wish an unending smile for your face – so your dimples will deepen and delight will spread over your whole head.
  3. I wish the warm and cheerful feeling of yellow flowers to surround you no matter where you are, regardless of any circumstance.
  4. I want your heart to be in peace.
  5. I want you to always and forever know what it means to be free in Christ, totally, completely free!  And I rebuke the enemy.  I rebuke Satan from even trying to enslave you in any way.
  6. May God’s will be done in your life, all the days of your life, as you bring Him glory – on earth as it is in heaven.
  7. I hope dad and I have given you what you need to be everything God intends.  If we have forgotten anything – you know where to find us.  It’s not too late!
  8. Never forget how many people adore the stuffing out of you!  You are loved-like-crazy by me and dad and Tara and Dave and Hunter and Stephanie and Tristan and Gavin and Guini and Gemma and Rocky and Jovan and Averi and Tredessa and Elise and all the cousins and all the aunts and uncles and don’t forget Grandma and Grandpa Moslander…
  9. Be-member, mama, we like to ‘shnuggle.'”  I will never forget those words nor your voice when you were 4 telling me that.  I wish for you to remember it always, too, because I am still happy to ‘shnuggle’ with you!
  10. For the man.  The one.  The right time.  I wish him for you, Stormie.  I am praying for him, too.
  11. I wish for you a bunch of cute little Stormies.  Oh-even if you only get one like you, she will make you so happy.  I guarantee it.
  12. I wish for you to reap all the seeds of godliness and generosity that you have sown.  I wish for the bread you have cast upon on the waters to now be found!  May it come back to you.
  13. I pray for the heavens to open and loud, clear-cut direction and guidance for your life to be announced with trumpets and singing.  I pray you will never wander aimlessly.
  14. I am believing for continued favor on your life.
  15. I remind God about showing you mercy and gracing you mightily (empowering you to be everything He created you to be; empowering you to do all He has called you to do!).
  16. My wish is that you will be full (all the way to capacity and running over) of the Holy Spirit.
  17. I wish for you to always walk in truth.
  18. I will always believe in you.  There has not been even moment I have not loved you fully, madly.
  19. I wish you could see what I see when I look into your eyes.  There is eternity behind them – there is joy and love and life and lightheartedness – so much life.  You’re barely out the starting gate…
  20. I wish for you to have no heartbreaks or sorrow.  But if you must, I wish for the LORD to be your comfort (your keeper and the Lover of your soul) so you’ll look back and say, “I would not trade the pain for how I know Him today.  It has been worth it.”
  21. My prayer is that you’ll have joy and rejoicing in these early twenties: “in the days of your full-grown youth.” (Ecc. 11.9 Amp).  I hope you will relish your youthful vigor and live fully from the heart, seeing and pursuing whatever brings you happiness and pleases the Lord.
  22. “Oh how sweet the light of day, and how wonderful to live in the sunshine!  Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted.  Take delight in each light-filled hour…Live footloose and fancy free.  You won’t be young forever.”  (Ecc. 11 The message)
  23. May the LORD bless you and keep you, my Stormkins.  May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.  May the smile of the LORD be on your life and may you bring Him joy and be His forever.

Happy Birthday, my baby.  Twenty-three years ago today was such a blessed day in my life.  I didn’t even know how much at the time, but, wow!  God was so good to have given you to me!  I love you, babykins!…mom

NOTE TO SELF:  Take Stormie to Anthropologie for her birthday.  Buy her something sweet.

pictured: I was trying to find a good pic of Stormie’s eyes because I love them.  This was as close as I could get; Stormie on 4/15/86 with her daddy just a little while after her birth.

6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Stormie Dae!

  1. Happy Birthday Storm!

    I still remember the day you came home from the hospital – I was so excited. Growing up with you was so fun – I was bossy to you I know, but you held you own. In our teen years we began dressing the same. Remember how your teachers would think that I was you when I would come to pick you up from school? I have a specific memory of walking by Papa Murphy’s both dressed in dark jeans, grey sweaters, converse, and black bandannas. Goofy sounding, but I remember it being hilarious and so much fun. Our 20’s have unleashed creativity, music, and lots of movie watching. You and I are so much on the same page – sometimes, it’s scary. I can’t wait to see what our relationship is like in 10, 20, 30, 40 years.

    Everything I do is more fun with you there.

    I hope you truly understand how much I love you. Happy Birthday!

  2. Oh, Storm. You have been a delight to us all. Always the patient, caring, selfless sister. Always the messiest room and the most fashionable clothes. Always the creative one with raw materials or with a computer. Always the Dr. Pepper and Great Wall chinese food Queen. A best friend, a confidant and my wonderful little sister. I love you so much! Happy Birthday, Storm!

  3. My little Tormlett…
    You are my little blessing.
    I am so glad that you are born…
    more on my website later…
    I have to go home now…

  4. StormieDae,
    I’m late, I know. I love you my little sister. I can’t believe you are 23..I have to admit that I never wanted this day to come because I knew when you were 23 I would be 30;)
    You are one of the most beautiful people that I know and I think your eye shadow is the best out of all of us! I always turn to you for creativity and opinions. I love you and I always will. ps. missyoutoo.
    Happy Happy Joyful Birthday.

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