Happy Birthday, Rocky

How old are you now?

TWENTY-seven???  What?  How did this happen?

I seriously had to think about that.

O, Bo.  Your mama loves you like crazy.  I cannot remember a day since you have been born that I didn’t think I had the most wonderful-cool-cutie patootie-hilarious-intense-zany-fierce-cuddly-strong willed-good smelling-pretty boy-handsome-loud and lovable-wry-talented-accomplished boy in the world.  Since you got mobile, before you could even walk, you have been bouncing off walls, and hitting your head on the ceiling.  You are made for things wild and high and free and the best is yet to be, son-‘o-mine.  You’re still at the starting line with a vast, open-space kind of future ahead.  Being contained is a travesty towards your very soul, for that is not how the LORD knitted you together.  And I am loving watching Him coax you back into the holy wild.  Watch out, world!

So here is my birthday card for you.

I started doing these photo things this year as a way to think about each of you, really ponder, really put into words what I SEE in each of you.  And I pray about them.  And I ask God to give me deep insights and show me what He sees, too.  They come from simple mommy-love and they come from deep places of intercession and Holy-Spirit-insight.  So much better than a Hallmark, I am telling you.

So, I hope when you read this you will open up your heart to RECEIVE it, too, to understand that it is a gift of words.  But not just words – it is a gift of seeing you, understanding you, proclaiming over your life, and presenting who you are, from my perspective, to the world.  It isn’t everything about you (though even I could go on and on), but it is a part,  just as all my “birthday cards” for my loves have been this year.  It’s a part, seen by the mommy who birthed you and loves you more intensely than she ever dreamed possible.  From the depths of my heart to the feeble words I use to explain that, I hope you will accept this and know how very proud I am of you, you ornery little booger.

Images :: www.lilacphotography.com Words :: the mom

Yes, I used some Ellie-images again.  I couldn’t decide between the serious side of Rocky (intense, sincere, tough, rock-n-roll) and the silly side (harassing and teasing, aggravating and delighting), so I did both.  And I could have kept going.

Love ya, Bubba.  Happy Birthday





7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Rocky

  1. Happy birthday Rocky! Man, am I so thankful for you! I always tell everyone, “my brother is kind of my favorite person….like…ever.” Just don’t tell anyone else I said that:)

    You are so wise, smart, stinkin hilarious and amazing. You are my protector, my favorite worship leader, my constant tickling partner (however annoying it may seem in the moment, I wouldn’t have it any other way). I have always been so proud to call you my brother because of how darn awesome you are. “See him? That’s MY brother.”

    I pray that this year blesses you beyond what you could ever imagine – that the huge dreams you have would come to fruition and you would see the Lord work in amazing ways. I pray that no one would be able to squelch the fire and overwhelming passion you have for music and for the Lord or be able to tell you, ‘that’s not possible’ – because we know all things are possible through the Lord and I know that if there is anything that seems impossible in the moment, for you…the Lord will come through. For you and through you, the Lord will do ‘impossible’ things..and I can’t wait to see it.

    You are one of the only 5 (haha) men in my life (between dad and the other brothers) and my future husband is going to have a big job to do in squeezing into my heart – you guys just take up all the room:) Love you big brother, my favorite person.

  2. Hey Bubba,
    So glad you are here, and there and everywhere!

    You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. I remember the day that you poked your head into the world. We almost had you in the car! And by that time, I think I could have delivered you with no problem. :) I also remember my tears of joy when you came. Back then, unless something was wrong, we didn’t find out what we were having before. But you, like your sisters before you and your sister after were all a joy and a blessing. Little did I know as I held you in that hospital room what a blessing you would be, not only to us but to all that encounter and interact with you.

    I am constantly being asked, stopped at Target or Walmart, “When is Rocky going to lead worship again? Where? Let me know!” And so I must and do.

    You are, like David of old, truly, A Man After God’s Own Heart. And I am proud to be your dad and your friend. I love you, son.

  3. While everyone is on here proclaiming how they are related to you because they are sooo proud of that fact, let me be the next. (And by the way, Grandma tried to yesterday as well, but her computer just wouldn’t let it go through!:) You are an awesome young man, my little ringbearer, who had sense enough to find the gorgeous wife God had selected for you, bring two beautiful babies into the world whom you father so well, and yes, you are pure worship leader. You bring a lot of joy & laughter every time we get together. You are one of the great reasons I can say “My family is so cool!” Love you, kiddo! Happy Birthday!

  4. You rock! I enjoy seeing your personality come out with my sons, your brother-like cousins. The wrestling, talking about crazy stuff, and the unimaginable stunts you guys pull make me laugh. May you accomplish unimaginable things in your lifetime!!!
    I love you,
    Aunt Dawn

  5. Happy late birthday, Rock! We’re sorry that we couldn’t be there. Being around Ry’s brothers makes me miss you a lot:) You are the best brother. Just ornery enough and just loving enough and protective enough. Thank you for being the man that you are, being committed to loving the Lord with everything in you – passionately and uncompromising. Thank you for loving your wife and girls with an intensity that is admirable. Thank you for loving me and the rest of our fam with such devotion. I pray that God brings you into something new and that will satisfy the desires and soul that He’s put into you. I pray for many opportunities to worship your heart out and that He would bring you into many stairwells to sing your heart out in. God has big plans for you and though you’re in a season where you’re waiting on Him, it won’t last forever and He’s working the best out for your life. I love you deeply! :)

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