O, Gavin – you little life-changer, you!
You were my first grandchild ever, the beginning of the age of the bebes. And now you are zooming towards double-digits and it has gone by in such a flash I can barely believe it. Happy Birthday, my little man. You are a such a great, great kid. You are bright and light and sweet and helpful. You take care and take on big jobs. You are energetic and engaging. You are gentle and thoughtful and such a good big brother and cousin. You work hard, you play hard you sleep so soundly. I have never seen anyone go to sleep as fast and hard as you do, at least not since your mommy was little.
You are the smile of my life.
Being 9 will be one of the most amazing things you have ever done and like everything you have ever attempted, done, touched or tried, you will do it soooooo well! I just know it! I hope you will remember how much I love you all the days of your life.
God created you for great things. So here are some things from His Word for your birthday. And His words are life!
So, Gavin Lee Kelley? Here is a great way to spend your life: Praising the Lord.
Because young men who live with reverent awe of the great things God has done also live very joyful lives, and they are happy obeying His ways.
Plus – when you grow up and have children of your own, they’ll end up successful and amazing in everything they try to do! Just because you worship and live for God, your family will be blessed and tons of people around them will be blessed!
Your love for the Lord and your obedience are just open doors of blessing for you! You’ll have your needs met and the cool things you do for others will always be remembered by the Lord.
No matter how hard things get in the world, following the Lord will make your light shine even in really dark places. You are so compassionate and generous and in such right standing with God. It is just gonna make good come to you and cause people to do good business with you. When people hear your name, they will say, “Now that is a good guy!”
Because you trust in the Lord, you do not have to fear bad news. You can believe it, Gavin – you can trust in the Lord! You can even be sure when the enemy comes against you that the Lord will kick-butt on your behalf! O yes, he will.
I love that you share so freely and are so generous with your things. That just sets you up to affect your generation and be well thought of for the rest of forever!
This is the life of a little man who will give God lots of room in his life. It is the life your Nonna is praying for you.
From Psalm 112