Happy 3rd Birthday, Hunter Magoo!



Hunter is three!  He arrived 3 weeks early 3 years ago.  In that spirit – here are the top three reasons I love Hunter:

Reason #1 – Hunter is very wholehearted and focused and in-the-moment.  You know this when he needs to tell you something.  Like an Old Testament prophet, he will not just go away without telling yu what must be said.  "Nonna!  Nonna!  Nonna!  Nonna!," he'll continue until I stop to listen.  When he is in his cape, he is Superman.  There is no use trying to tell him he's just a little guy.  The flip of that is saying, "Hey, Superman – let's fly," while playing in the backyard – at which time he will soberly explain to you, "I'm not Superman.  I'm Hunter.  I can't fly, I don't have my cape."  And somehow, you're convinced by his faith, that if, indeed, that cape were on site, he could don it and fly.

Reason #2 – He talks…and talks…and talks…There is something so amazing about a really short person who can carry on actual, meaningful conversations (in that gruff little voice) with some one who is a gazillion-times his age.  Before he was even two, we were "Shouting to the Lord," our favorite praise words.  I'd start and then he'd repeat.  "Glory to God!," I'd say.  "Glory to God," he'd repeat with great enthusiasm.  We shouted out things like "Hosanna," and "Hallelujah."  This would go on for 15 or 20 minutes.  I said, "God is good!"  Hunter turned to me, and with the palm of his hand gave me a good smack on the forehead like an old-time revivalist at a prayer line, and shouted as he looked into my eyes, "God is good!"  And with that, we were finished. 

Reason #3 – He came from me, he is part of the best of anything I'll ever leave.  Dave & Tara – you have made a beautiful son!

Happy Birthday, sweet boy and blessings-times-three.  Your Nonna loves you!

2 thoughts on “Happy 3rd Birthday, Hunter Magoo!

  1. Happy birthday Hunter McFloozy!!!
    What a sweet little guy you are turning into(let’s all face it, Goo definitely went through the terrible 2’s just like everyone else:)
    I love that you call me Stormie McFloozy, it makes me smile!
    Love you kiddo…happy birthday!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HUNTER!  Gavin wanted to say:  'Have a fire truck, and open presents.' We love you!

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