Gavin just turned ten!
Gavin is the first grandchild I ever got and what a gift! He changed my whole life forever – ten whole years ago this week. I had no idea I’d be one of “those” grandmothers, thrilled with these darlings, my children’s-children, my very own, once-removed flesh and blood.
I looked down at Gavin in my arms, the first day of his life. I had no idea who he was or how this would go.
But wow-o-wow. I love my Little Man. Red hair, freckles, bright eyes, always looking for something new, something wonderful. He works hard (seriously loves hard work!), he protects his little sisters, he is sweet to animals, kind in general and a respectful, honoring grandson. I am so blessed to be his Nonna!
So, my sweet, Gavin – allow me to tell you TEN THINGS I LOVE ABOUT YOU on the occasion of the continued celebration of your birth~
1. I love that you started gardening alongside me when you were just a toddler.
2. I love that even this year, you asked for tomato plants for your birthday (they are on your list every year) and that just yesterday at the Garden Center, you told me that even though you wanted to try growing all sorts of different things in your gardens each year of your life, you would always and forever have tomato plants, no matter what. Are you my boy, or what?!?
And you have to know you melted my heart when you told me, after we had wandered through one garden place and then another, “I really like visiting garden centers and seeing all the plants they have. I like doing this every year.” It is our annual date and joy of my June-heart! I love you for loving it because I love it, too.
3. You are so focused and goal-oriented. I love that you saved up and worked to earn money to buy your own iPod and that you will now sell it and work some more to upgrade with your eye on an iPad. Your parents are teaching you well. You have business savvy, Little Man!
4. You are such a good brother to your sisters. I know they can get on your nerves at times, little girls that they are, but last week your mom shot of pic of you, school out, sitting with Gemma, teaching her to read and write. What a wonderful big brother you are.
5. And you’re a great example as the oldest of the cousins, too. You love the babies, watch over the tiny ones and generally are considered the coolest guy to follow!
6. Sandy-the-dog loves you so much. Because no matter how busy you are, you always take time to pet her and give her the attention she needs. I love you for loving the old family dog!
7. I so love how you apply yourself to learning. You are a skateboarder and gamer and a gardener and a musician and you make time to practice and perfect those things and find out more about everything. You’re such a savvy, intuitive smartie-pants, which I mean in the sweetest way!
8. Which speaks to another thing I love about you: you have been full of wonder since you were a baby. When you were even just a few months old, I noticed you were interested in everything around you. And I love that you carry that trait on. You are never bored, never expecting anyone to entertain you or cure monotony. You look around and find fascination in everything life has to offer, in each circumstance and all situations. What a wonderful attribute. It will will make living amazing for you!
9. You’re still so considerate about giving your Nonna big hugs and kisses when we meet up and when we part. They are worth millions of dollars to me – more, really. I’m so lucky, so blessed to be your Nonna.
10. And I love what an honoring son you are to your parents. Do you know why I love that? Because the Bible promises this:
“’Honor your father and mother’ is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely, ‘so you will live well and have a long life.’” Ephesians 6, The Message
And because I LOVE YOU sooooooo much and want {life} to go really well for you {really well}, and I want you to have a particularly spectacular life doing legendary, world-changing things for many, many {joyous and healthy} years ~ well, then, for this reason, I love that you honor your parents, who, by the way, are raising an extraordinary son. Keep it up, kiddo!
You, my dear boy {the original grandbebe}, made me a “Nonna,” the greatest honor of my life.