
The boundary lines have fallen for me

in pleasant places;

surely I have a delightful inheritance. 

Psalm 16.6 NIV


Recent guests:  Tredessa and sawyer, Amelie as a strawberry (her mommy made this!) and Nacho Libre himself!

Perfect Autumn

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”  ~George Eliot (I found this quote on an in-flight magazine a year ago, October)

Could this year have been any more perfect?  No early freak snow blizzards that swoop in for one day, freeze and knock our leaves to the ground and then disappear into 70-degree days again.  We have had perfectly lovely, crisp evenings and mornings, orangey-pumpkin,  warm sunny days covered in Downy-blue skies.  And all the color we could ever imagine.  Perfect 2010 autumn!


Yep, that is Tara – the gift!  Guini at Anderson Farms in the Pumpkin Patch.  A Chia-Baby came for a visit.


My highly creative and talented daughter, Stephanie, made these costumes for the little K-Kids

Delicious October



Birthday cakes and pies, cinnamon rolls and breads (banana, zucchini and pumpkin for a start – not to mention those highly-dangerous bread bowls, Stef/delish!!)).  Parties and suppers, soups and projects galore.  Rustling leaves and children’s clattering about.  Squeaking swings and the dog chasing the neighbor’s cat.  Twilight falling earlier, the afternoon shadows growing longe. lowerr.  Scented candles make the house smell wondrous. Grandbebe visits make life worthwhile!


Stormie and Dessa at the world’s biggest corn maze, Stormie hiding (swiped from her blog, www.maydae.com)

Sweet November

And now?  Will November be so sweet?  Well, just yesterday I found 2 spagetti squashes hidden away and one Sweet-Baby Watermelon.  Surprise!, they cried out!  Unexpected guests can be just delightful, at times. 


Averi and Amelie modeling things from their mommy’s Etsy Shop

Almost half of the leaves have fallen with the remaining leaves-on-trees changing color while I watch…just before they shed their summer clothes and slip out of them into their November-nakedness.  By Thanksgiving, bare branches will sway and make way for lighted evergreens to explode into their glory days.


Today is my cousin, Diana’s, birthday, which I always remember!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANA!

So far?  So sweet!

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