Day 13 Day 17

17 days ago: Received nice, large supermarket bouquet of flowers from Dave and Tara.  Placed in my largest vase.  No photo.

At 7 days, I used a large tea tumbler to keep the brightest and the best of what was left.  I didn’t get a picture of it at that time.  Throughout the next 6 days or so, I would remove the deadest of the dead (those darn Gerbera Daisies are always the first to go).

Day 13: However, the 13th morning of the bouquet, I threw out a sink-full more and filled Gavin’s favorite juice glass.  Pictured here: the bouquet just before the change from the tumbler to the juice glass and again just after.

mar-005 mar-007 mar-008

Today was day 17 of the bouquet.  I place the final incarnation of it, the last few healthy blooms and pieces, in an old Homer – Laughlin China creamer.


My point?  There is really no reason whatsoever not to have fresh flowers in the house at all times.  They are readily available, reasonable and long-lasting.  Plus-they satisfy the urge to garden during the cold months.

Loving the flowers!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Butter, bread, toilet paper, ground beef, fresh bouquet…

U-P-D-A-T-E: Day 22 – tossed.  I am leaving town and they’d be totally dead by the time I return and they were just…done.  22 days, though, people!

2 thoughts on “Day 13 Day 17

  1. Is there one thing you are not creative in….you make putting flowers into one vase and then another look so easy. I am a dunce when it comes to flower arrangements of any kind. But you are right…flowers should be in our houses at all times.

    1. Oh, I know NOTHING about flower arranging. Luckily I am fond of the I-just-picked-some-flowers-on-my-way-in look. That way, they can be “carefree”-looking like you don’t care! :) The real trick is to not be afraid of cutting those stems down so they are looking right in whatever container. Each change meant throwing out 4 or more inches. Their current stems are 3-4 inches, max.

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