Averi J, you’re FIVE!

Happy Birthday, sweet Averi-kins, Nonna’s darling girl!

Oh, Averi-baby.  I so LOVE our time doing pre-school and art and doing crafts and learning to read and so many other things we do.  Can it really really really be 5 years since you were born?

Did you know I waited and waited {very patiently, I might add} for you to be born?  And you just took-your-SWEET-time being born and I thought I would fall right over and go to sleep in the hospital hallway, but then, voilaThere you were!  VERY late, and I woke right up, wasn’t a bit sleepy anymore and I bet those doctors and nurses had never seen such a BIG family being all crazy-happy and rejoicing in their hospital that late at night!  We were h-a-p-p-y!

And, get this: you were actually born on a Super-Bowl Sunday, a sunny, pretty day in Colorado – JUST LIKE today!!!  Blue skies and bright sun – all for your birthday, beautiful just like you!


Well, little girl, for 5 years you have thrilled us with your big, blue eyes, your head-full of gorgeous hair, your kissable cheeks, your coy sense of wit, your surprise laughter, your sensitive heart, your warm hugs and sweeeeeeeeeeeet nature.  Can you tell I just love everything about you?

I love you with so much of my heart there is none left to protest.  :)

Happy-happy-happy-happy-happy birthday, Miss Averi.  You are my sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are gray.  Don’t forget, OK?

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