God’s Favorite Place on Earth and MORE!

REALLY good news below…if you’d be interested in 25 free books and audios

Frank Viola has been mentioned on this blog a few times, including, but not limited to HERE and HERE, over THERE and on THIS POST, too, during my first read-through of From Eternity to Here.  I have read it…a few times.

Plus, LOVE his blog.  www.frankviola.org


And I follow him on Twitter.  He has such a way with words, his writing just blows me away.  I just ordered his new book from Amazon, God’s Favorite Place on EarthHere is why I wanted to read it:

And this:

Why Read the Book?  Conquering 18 Struggles

Using story, biblical narrative, and practical teaching, God’s Favorite Place on Earth will equip you to:

•Gain God’s peace and presence in the midst of your worst storm.

•Grow to the place where you are beyond being offended.

•Truly forgive and release those who have rejected you.

•Learn how to live life without fear of anything.

•Trust God when He doesn’t meet your expectations or doesn’t appear to fulfill His promises.

•Increase your faith and overcome doubt.

•Defeat discouragement with a new perspective on Jesus.

•Find out what Jesus means and doesn’t mean by the command, “Follow Me.”

•Be set free from a guilty conscience and delivered from spiritual burn-out.

•Learn how we’ve been misinformed about Mary and Martha and why this is important for your own walk with God.

•Handle rejection, misunderstanding, and unjust criticism, especially from fellow Christians.

•Be set free from bitterness.

•Discover what God is looking for beyond everything else, solidifying the vision for the Christian life into “one thing.”

•Identify what touches the heart of Jesus the most. (It may surprise you.)

•Be inspired to serve the Lord with renewed vigor and zeal.

•Have your heart awakened with newfound love for Jesus by seeing Him afresh.

•Find deliverance from materialism (consumerism) and discover the meaning of “wasting yourself” on Jesus.

•Respond wisely to well-meaning friends when they give you poor advice during your suffering.

These are just some of the many lessons you’ll find in God’s Favorite Place on Earth.

I am not telling you which 10 I am drawn to…Plus what Jack Hayford said:

“Frank Viola’s pen and voice are consistently both penetrating and trustworthy. Beyond his invitingly beautiful writing skill—which makes reading a joy and a sight-seeing tour that brings God’s Word into 3-D when he relates narrative passages, I’m grateful for the depth of his themes. Frank probes the ‘deep calls unto deep’ content of the Holy Spirit’s call within the Scriptures, and awakens that hunger that must be regularly fed to secure renewal in each of us. God’s Favorite Place on Earth is the kind of book I’ve discovered I need to periodically find and read; thereby keeping ‘the fallow ground’ of my own soul plowed, re-sown and watered, in order to continue fruitfulness and to deepen the root system of my spiritual walk and growth in Christ.”

Frank Viola has actually given us a sneak peek, a bonus chapter about Mary anointing Jesus before His death.  AND a sampler is available here, 20% of the book. Who does this???  But this isn’t even the “free” stuff I told you about.

So – the FREE stuff I mentioned at the top?

If you buy a copy of this new book by May 7th, and spread the word about it on your Twitter and Facebook and email, {read all the deets here}, Frank Viola will give you 25 books and audios for being part of his launch-team.  See the list of free things here.

I don’t think I have ever seen so many things given away for free.  What a blessing!  Your summer reading and resources all in one place!

I just wanted to share with you because I already ordered my book and immediately (no shipping) got the other things as well and I wanted you to be able to get it, too.  It is an amazing opportunity.  Really!


3 thoughts on “God’s Favorite Place on Earth and MORE!

  1. Of course, you made me a Frank Viola fan, Joel – with the gift f “From Eternity to Here.” Hey-you don’t want that back, do you? Because, I haven’t written in it and marked it up and…I just can’t give it back. Haha.

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