Tag Archives: kim walker

Second Sunday of Advent // Song for a Sunday

We come with expectation

We’re waiting here for You…

I woke up to a crackling fire and the coffee brewing (Dave is sweet).  A soft snow is falling and it is so cold outside.  It is the second Sunday of Advent.  Each day I am taking the time of at least the length of a song and observing the days of longing and desiring, the centuries of waiting for the Messiah.  People living in darkness waited so long for Him.  Then He came.  We are so blessed.  I love the musical meetings in His Presence leading up to the Christmas celebration.

You’re the Lord of all creation

And still You know my heart

The Author of salvation

You’ve Loved me from the start ~ waiting here for you…

Waiting Here for You, Christy Nockels

Sometimes I wonder how our views of God can be so off course, like He is up there looking for reasons to kick any of us to the curb.  He is the Author of Salvation.  He is the One who so-loved-the-world that He gave us a Savior, a Savior!  Wow, that is love.  He first loved us and now we LOVE Him back!

This is one of those songs I sing with fervor and devotion, hoping He’ll somehow see how much He means to me.  I kind of think He answers me lightheartedly: Wonderful ~ because I have already been here waiting for you!  :)

Waiting here for you

With our hands lifted high in praise

And it’s You we adore

Singing Hallelujah

You are everything You promised

Your faithfulness is true

And we’re desperate for Your presence

All we need is You

Counting down the days until the Christmas Celebration with songs.   Because I love song.  Sing with me!  :)

Waiting here for you

nativitypics 2012

From the Nativity photo shoot of 2012

 UPDATE 12/12/13:  The sweet daughter Tredessa couldn’t believe I didn’t use THIS live-version of this song with {my favorite} Martin Smith and {my other favorite} Kim Walker, singing this song.  And I was like – OMYGOSH!  So true!  I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE this one!  So here it is now…


Even though I know, in my brain at least, I can’t earn God’s favor or the salvation He freely gives me, I constantly fall back in to trying to compensate Him for it: to pay Him back.  I try to do more and work harder to show Him my sincerity.  I try to pay my own way.

In the little book I wrote in anticipation of Sawyer’s birth a few weeks ago, this little rhyme-variation came to me as I pondered what Sawyer should always know about the Father’s love in her life:

He loves me,
He loves me lots!
He loves me,
He loves me lots!  

Those are the only choices, actually, yet I struggle to comprehend them for myself.

My conclusion, of course, is that not only am I unable to earn God’s love and favor (and believe me, I have tried), but I have nothing to pay Him with either.  Remember when Micah asked how he could come before Him, what he could bring?

Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,

The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  (6.7b NKJV)

I default to making payment too quickly.  And now I am actually doing it in my dreams.  Recently, I awake exhausted from working so hard, running so far, climbing steep ladder or hills and working, working, working – hoping God is noticing.  In my dreams!  This is no bueno.

Today I am praying for God to help me understand mercy: NOT getting what I deserve, that is mercy.  I am praying to be delivered from being receiver-challenged (unable to receive His love and forgiveness, His grace and His sacrifice on my behalf).  I am praying to understand, at least a little, how He gives so freely without it being about what I can do for Him or give to Him.  These are big prayers.  Such a long way to go…