Tag Archives: grandboy

Gavin is Four!


Gavin-you silly, delightful boy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I cannot believe I was once trepidatious about becoming a “Grandma,” better known around these parts as *nonna.*   It is true what they say: Grandchildren are your reward for not killing your own children.  I won!  I hit the jackpot!

As I write this – you’re innocently asleep in your bed and have no idea of the 3-D dinosaur cake I am preparing for your party and how its’ head just fell off.  You won’t even wonder why my hands are dyed green when I arrive.  You, being you, will just be excited about the cake and tell me it is wonderful because you are my little encourager.  You’re my red-headed fella and one of the most energetic human beings I have ever known.  You’re the double-sworded Leonardo who has explained more to me about “Turtle Power” than I ever wanted to know.  You are my delight!


Thanks for enduring the kiss and remember: YOU CRACK ME UP!!!

I am blessed…”Nonna”

NOTE TO SELF: Try to remember – was there life before Gavin?