Remember how I told you not to worry about the garden and how you weren’t behind and everthing would get done little by little, 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there?
Just before mid-May, the time you should really start the planting your head off here in Colorado, Dave and I spent the better part of a week in Estes Park. But I was calm. I was cool. I thought all the better – now when I garden I can be sure it isn’t too early.
Then I came home and got butt-kicking sick (sinus infection, cough like a sailor, bronchitus – yuck!). Eleven days now of I-don’t-feel-good-I-can’t-breathe-nose-blowing-raspy-voiced yuck.
Now – I am behind in the garden. I know it is my own standard, but if I don’t have absolutely everything done by June 1? I have failed. It makes me crazy!
I will not have everything done by June 1. I am drowning in the swirling pit of my own failure in the garden. Please feel sorry for me.
Gardeners the world over have left me behind…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: maybe 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening will help me get it all done before I leave for Kentucky…
pictured: Gem Gem the Garden girl-just after we harvested a bouquet-full of Red Belle Radishes