Matt Redman is the greatest hymnist of our day. If the Lord tarries, the church will be singing his songs a hundred years from now. They will last.
He just writes the best lyrics, ancient truth with fresh words.

My favorite line:
Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes.
I am watching Kai this early Sunday morning while his parents lead worship at two services in Loveland. The drive over was magical. The sun rose like a ball of pink and orange fire and I let it consume my rear-view mirror and nearly blind me to be lit up by it. Ahead of me were crystal-clear, generously snow-capped mountains (yes, it is majesty) and on each side of the road, steamy-fog was rising rapidly, dancing wildly and burning off in the blaze of morning glory.
Kai and I are sitting in the morning sun now, singing…singing…singing to the bird-chip sounds.
It’s easy to sing in the new light of day.
But the song – It is like a prayer: whatever happens today, Lord, whatever obstacles I face, whatever pain I encounter, whatever hardship, whatever doesn’t go like I thought it should; all the good, the bad and the ugly I see, I say to my own soul {my mind-my will-my emotions} Bless the Lord, oh my soul. And even if I am limping to get there, Let me be singing {still} when the evening comes. Amen!