
When I started blogging on November 29, 2006 {seven years ago today}, I only had three grandbebes. I tried to make the first post lighthearted to cover up a pretty dark time in which I was seeing much of my life’s “work” as a total waste, my churchy-ness/ministry as being much too motivated by the fear of man (“The fear of man is a snare“), rather than by love and basically realizing what a Pharisee I had been. Pride. It was not a pretty sight. But I thought I’d just write into “the air,” sneak in some confessions about my ridiculousness and and hope people only read the cute grandbebe stories.
First blog ever, called “Top Ten Reasons I’m Blogging Now”
I’ve told on myself a thousand times since then. And haven’t told on myself thousands of times because, geesh, I wouldn’t want anyone to know how thoroughly rotten I can be.
It took me two months into the blog to really say the shocking thing out loud, that I was mourning loss. My heart palpitated as I pressed “publish.” I laugh now, because I wasn’t very transparent. {{see here}}
Then I confessed to my prideful religiousness. Dung happens. {{see here}}
And I shan’t show you all my yuck-stuff, but I wrote about how I know that “It takes one to know one” is true. Bleh. {{see here}}
Lots has changed since I started this blog. I have 8 grandbebes now. Almost nine. I’m older, sweeter {*ahem}, less certain of my once rock-solid-strong opinions and I’m much more hopeful for all the days I have left than worried over the ones I have lost. Though I haven’t aced life’s testings, I am pretty happy with my grade. I {{love}} so much more now than I did then, I am more grateful for my heritage and so thankful for all the people along the way who have touched my life and altered its course and blessed me so much. My family has grown by leaps and bounds and songs are in my heart again. I had tomatoes from my garden at my Thanksgiving table (first time in years) and I am learning to receive the {completely unmerited, but so freely given} love of the Father, rather than just trying to work my tail off impressing Him.
One thing that hasn’t changed and likely never will? My blog posts are too stinking long and I cannot curb my wordiness. That is just how it is. I thought I’d have run out of all the silly nothings that spill out of my brain and heart and onto the screen. But I haven’t. More words to come. Thanks for those of you who stop by and read. I LOVE that!!! :)
Here is the thing~
Here at my Thought Collage, I have tried to say, in a million ways, God is faithful. He is so faithful. Please promise me you’ll always-always-always look past me to Him and don’t ever let anything I have done or said disappoint you in the Everlasting Father. Because- He. is. Faithful. For sure. Forever!
So, on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of my very first blog post ever~
Hi, mom. Hope you’re still reading! xxoo
Happiest of blogging anniversaries to one of my favorite writers of all time! The way you paint pictures with words is incredible. Someday, when I grow up, I hope I write like you–with sincerity and transparency and love.
You are so sweet. Thank-you, Stephanie.
Happy Blog-a-versary! I can’t believe it’s been 7 years. Keep writing and writing, Mom. I don’t get the chance to read every post but every time I get on to see what’s on your heart and mind, I’m encouraged and learn something new about life and the Lord. Your writing means something deep and is a part of your all too important life’s ministry. Love you!
Happy belated blog-day! I know my life is richer by the reading of your words and taking in of your insights. Thank you for blessing us all with your wit and wisdom. It brightens my mornings and spurs me on to be a better wife and mother (and accept myself when I am not).
So, when will your book be published??? ;) Your blogs are interesting, funny, witty, inspiring, and often stir the emotions. Thank you for keeping family records!
Thanks Tami and Dessa and Denise, for reading me sometimes. LOVE you all!