Reward for Missing Bible


My Bible is missing. 

I last carried it to church on Sunday, August 19 and then I am sure I left with it, but alas…I cannot find it.

OK, we have 113 other Bibles in the house and it has been fun going back and forth between my husbands gigantic NIV Study Bible, an old paperback Amplified and my well-loved and tattered 2004 read-through of The Message (I really enjoyed my Bible reading in 2004, thank-you Mr. Eugene Peterson!).

But right now, my Bible of choice, the one with all the notes and exclamation points and scribbles of revelation and the one in which I can currently find everything the moment I need it – is a hardback, dark blue, broken-spined Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible with which I have been in constant contact since about May 15, 2006.

I am in agony.  I am offering a reward for the finder.  I don't know what, maybe just a biblical blessing, but a reward, nonetheless.


3 thoughts on “Reward for Missing Bible

  1. It'll turn up in some weird place, in plain sight. A corner that we pass by every day and we'll rap ourselves in the forehead with the heel of our hand and say, "Of course".

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