I LOVE Pinterest!
Remember? I have mentioned it before {CLICK HERE, or HERE or even HERE, to name a few}. I love it because it helps me keep all the cool things I find on the web in an organized pin-board configuration and re-find sites I don’t want to lose. I have no intention in “doing” all of it. But I am visual. Pinterest is visual. And now that our visuals have met: it is a beautiful thing.
The log-in issue!!! Does anyone else have this problem? I would like to log in and stay logged in indefinitely. OR – I would like to log in and stay logged in for more than 5 minutes. Can anyone help me?
Many, many, many, and yes, even many times I log in, look around, try to re-pin something and they say I am logged out. I have to re-log in. OR I will find a really cool site and I zoom to “Pin it” with my handy-dandy Pin-It button on the tool bar on top of my screen and it will give me the dreaded message to request an invite or log in….again. Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh.
Clearly I have a right to be there.
I logged in, and I FINALLY found the place on Pinterest where you may make an inquiry – actually get in touch with one of their very groovy looking staff http://pinterest.com/about/team/, no small feat (I have tried to find it before…a few times). And I playfully begged for a resolution to this little issue. And this is the auto-message it gave me:
“We sent you an email to verify your request as you are not logged in.”
Well, no kidding. And this, my friends, is the problem!
Please Pinterest, I implore you!
THE UPDATE 5.30.12 from Pinterest
Aaron, May 29 16:21 (PDT):
Hi Jeanie –
Pinterest should leave you logged in. Most likely, a setting in your browsing is resulting in the issue you’re experiencing.
Please confirm that cookies are enabled in your web browser’s settings, and please clear cookies in the settings as well.
I hope this helps!
**If this resolves your concern, please do not reply. While we love to hear “thank you”, these messages create more work for us. Thanks for understanding – and happy Pinning.**
Aaron Pinterest – Community Specialist http://pinterest.com/aaronfranklin/
Well, Mr Franklin – it is only happening with Pinterest…all other websites I use regularly keep me signed in if I want them to. What do you have to say about that? Nevertheless, I shall check…
Just join Facebook and you will automatically log in from there!
Yes, Facebook is how I log in also.