Dave’s first stage-performed play (that HE has written) is coming up soon – 5 days!!! We are so lucky and grateful for all the people who have worked to put this together. AND it is pretty exciting to see posters in store windows and on coffee shop bulletin boards! Have you seen them???
There will be 2 performances and a lot of our kids and grandbebes are involved and the niece and great-niece, too. Plus the greatest friends on earth, acting and taking tickets and building sets and helping us spread the word.
So if you see this and you are in the area, you should come! Friday November 30 at 7 om or Saturday December 1 at 7 pm. The cost is $5 per person (children under three are free) and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Adams County Cold Weather Care program (Mission: To provide life saving shelter and support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Adams County). You can buy your tickets online (www.callbacktheater.com) or at the door.
Be watching the local newspaper for an article this week!
The location is the totally cool Armory @ Brighton. Here is how to get here, 300 Strong Street:
Plus LIVE music by some pretty cool-awesome-amazing musicians, if we do think so! :)
FABULOUS way to kick off your Christmas season, I promise! Please plan to come and tell everyone you know about it. And LIKE the FB page and MERRY CHRISTMAS!