I can picture it in my mind’s eye

First of all, I took these 3 photos.

Which turned out w a a a a a y better than they should have for my little $69.99 Kodak digital camera.

Check out this weed.  This was in the mountains when Dave and I were there a few weeks back.  It was getting ready to spread its’ seed everywhere.  I just like how it captured the almost explosive-movement.  No touch-ups.  Just this.  As weeds go, pretty lovely.


And then these two.  With really good cameras you can adjust the focus so that the things you aren’t focusing on are blurry, out-of-focus.  I do not have that option.  But my camera, for some strange reason. did that anyway.  I think I may have been zoomed, I am not sure.  But I love how it blurred the background.  These are not touched up.  If I’d known I’d stumbled into something, I’d have tried more of whatever it was.  *smile

Look at that crazy-awesome background blur.

Secondly, Hunter enjoyed trying a feather and ink for alphabet writing recently.

Thirdly, Peaches & Cream, from Palizzi Farm.  As amazingly sweet and delectable as it sounds.

I LOVE corn on the cob.  Did you know that?  Love it.  It is the Iowa girl in me.

Here they come, walking down the street.  Get the funniest looks from – everyone they meet.  Hey-hey for grandkids!

All together now – JUMP!

Remember when we were kids and adults made us smile for pictures when the sun was totally in our eyes?  Yeah, well, now I have done that to my own grandbebes.  I just thought they should experience it.  Haha.

Peek-a-boo, little monkeys

Gemma drew her family

And other things.

Granddaughters are sweeeeet!

Little tiny Amelie walloped her cousin, Gavin, the other day and when her daddy said, “Amelie-no hitting,” she crossed her arms and lowered her shoulders with a decided **harrumph** and plopped herself down.  It is hilarious thing to see such an itty-bitty pull such a big-girl move.  It probably won’t be that cute 6 months from now, but it sure was this week.

Tredessa got her dress.  And I can’t show you, of course, but she is beautiful in it.

Engagement to her cute guy?  Check.  Amazing ring?  Check.  Location for the wedding (a barn!!)?  Check.  Dress?  Check.

This is just wrong.  Right?  Probably.  But it is evidence that the grandkids were here.

THIS?  Is a good morning sight!  Fresh from the garden!

I should mention, I had just dropped the green beans into boiling water for 10 seconds and then quickly submerged them into ice water to shock them green-green and make them positively delectable for random all-day-long munching.  Mmm. Mm. Mm!

And in honor of the first day of autumn, I am making red beans and rice and missing my brother, Joe, whose gorgeous first born will walk down the aisle tomorrow to be married. {Mrs. Elise Leonard, aka Elise-the-Niece}

You’re just going along, enjoying summer living, and then the veins of the leaves go blood red and begin pumping color into a random branch here or there.  Fascinating!


I can picture it in my mind’s eye and it’s beautiful, Clark.”  (Christmas Vacation)  I can also see it here at my blog and remember and smile.

3 thoughts on “I can picture it in my mind’s eye

  1. Wrex about DIED at the sight of that thistle! He hates those things! :) He did however love the sight of that peaches and cream corn and couldn’t believe I didn’t stick around to eat any…even after he told me when to leave – ha! Miss you…

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