“From my living room window as I write, I can look out across the broad front lawns of our farm like a lovely picture post card of wintry New England. In my fireplace the good cedar logs are burning and crackling. I just stopped to go into my gleaming kitchen to test the crumbly brown goodness of the toasted veal cutlets a la {?} in my oven. Cook these slowly…” Elizabeth Lane (as played by the versatile and provocative Barbara Stanwyck) sitting in her New York apartment (pretending to be on a farm in Connecticut) typing her column for the American Housekeeping Magazine in the movie, “Christmas in Connecticut”
No toasted veal cutlets warming in my oven here (I just had a slice of cold pizza for breakfast), but along with a rich cup of steaming-hot coffee I am enjoying a delicious, slow Sunday morning in the Colorado air where a light, dusty snow is falling softly like grace, covering the winter-scarred landscape with a sparkling beauty in a gentle silence. In a pallette of white alone, God manages to cause the somewhat lifeless winter look to awaken in splendor and reveal His mercy-covering nature to a fallen world.
Snow falls like grace and suddenly all things are new again.
“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that all men He has made may know His work, He stops every man from his labor.” Job 37.5-7 NIV
image found on google: Rocky Mountain Reflections Photography, Inc. by Andy Cook
YIKES!!! And now its 18 days….I don’t even have my tree up yet. :(
Veal Cutlets A la Connecticut.
One of my favorite Christmas movies.