Lists to Live By

There are a whole slew of books that have been compiled by Alice Gray in the Lists to Live By series and I adore them.  Just open them up and flip randomly through and you will find a list you needed – right that very second.  They come from other books and essays, magazine articles and sources and are compiled, apparently, by some one who recognizes the value of a list as much as I do.

A List for the remainder of October:

  1. Make soup, lots of it.  A minimum of two types…maybe three…{the “traditional: Oct 31st soup for the Rhoades fam, broccoli-cheese; some chili for a night that will probably be chilly; and perhaps with the kiddos in mind – macaroni and cheese soup!}
  2. Have kids and other people over for a big soup supper.
  3. Have all the cute little children dress up and go begging for candy from the neighbors.
  4. Raid their bags for the really good stuff like chocolate, test for “safeness”.  Tell them how bad the candy is for their teeth. 
  5. Make Dave rake leaves. ;p


Dave (who drew it freehand – yes, he is talented) helped Stephanie paint a giant cardboard “Great Pumpkin” display for Guini’s classroom at school, then got some cute front yard shots under their autumn-blazing tree.  Gavin left, all three kids next; Gunivere and Gemma May  (to see larger images, click on thumbnails and then click on photo again – oddly complicated, I know)

Steph chaperoned 150 kindergartners to Anderson Farms…including the Guini-Girl

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