The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Thoughts on gifts…

"The most memorable gifts are a little mirror in which we see ourselves through the loving eyes of the giver." – Judith Thurman

"When a gift is well chosen, it intuit's a heart's desire." – unknown

"Giving is a form of dialogue.  The most memorable gifts seem to answer a question, settle a doubt, or anticipate a want the recipient perhaps hasn't yet thought of or been able to express."


A gift is…"the surprise grace of the giver's recognition."

"What we wanted of gifts, then and now, was a dose of delight, and something that expressed recognition of ourselves." -Catherine Calvert

"…the gifts that aren't there are often a secret longing unsatisfied…"

"Love the Giver." 

The gifts that mean the most to me now are the thoughtful rememberences from the people I love – especially the time they give to me, for I love the giver…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF: Give with thought.  Be creative.  Give with care. 

4 thoughts on “The Gift that Keeps on Giving

  1. You were always a good gift giver.  I remember cards with lots of love and little dittys in them.  We were just talking about you the other day, and how much we love you for it.

  2. I have to admit, Jeanie, I have EVERY single card and letter you have ever sent to me. They are inspiring, deeply meaningful and pouring into my self esteem and my heart. It Just occured to me (as I am typing and listening to How the Grinch Stole Christmas), that I should tie pretty ribbons to each one and hang them on my tree. They are precious gifts to me and I love each one of them. You are a beautiful writer and encourager. One of the greatest gifts you can give to those of us who love you is a pouring out of your heart, your thoughts and the things of God that you have learned from your life.  I am thankful for these tangibles of my friend's heart. They are precious. Love you.

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