I just read a great blog post about laughing and its’ importance, especially in this “constant, dismal media drain we are experiencing.” The writer realized he had gone at least three months since his last really good, deep, long bout of laughter.
I can’t even remember how long it had been for me. Sure I have laughed. But I mean that kind that you cannot control, nor stop on queu.
But last Saturday night at Old Chicago way past my bedtime – oh yes! Rolling, thunderous laughter! And I wholeheartedly recommend it. And it helps if you have a friend who talks like a ‘backwoods southern lawyer.’ Somehow adds to the experience.
A good laugh is like a good cry. Sometimes you gotta give up control to get your balance!…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: Start planning for possible laughter episodes. Watch Brian Regan, do somersaults with the grandkids, crack myself up if need be…
“I will be glad and rejoice in You…” Ps. 9.2 NIV