Monday’s Most Interesting Pinterests // The Garden’s Glory

suburban stone age - opt out

I actually really believe and wholeheartedly encourage this!  People sometimes jump too big into gardening, get overwhelmed and never try again.  START SMALL, I say, and then work your way, little by little, towards sustainability and good health!

So, I love Pinterest and I love Gardening and I love that Pinterest lets me “pin” good gardening ideas (occasionally really bad gardening tips) and all sorts of inspirations to my heart’s content.  I use Pinterest like a bulletin board, where you tack something you don’t want to lose.  I use it like a file of clippings – just pinning anything and everything that strikes my fancy: articles, photos, good websites – all things I can go back and explore later.  Over the last almost-2 years (the length of time I have been Pinterest-ing),

I have pinned garden-related things like these…

Garden Quotes:

“Leave room in your garden for the angels to dance.”

“I live in the garden.  I only sleep in the house.”

“Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes.”

Ideas I want to use to get my grandbebes excited about gardening and growing things and being outside.

It’s working!

garden's glory food that regrow from scraps


Instilling the knowledge of the miracle of planting and growing food and flowers into the next generation is a very worthwhile endeavour.  Having some fun games out there, too, does not hurt the cause!

I find help on specific crops and gardening ideas I want to check out:

 garden's glory basil

Hey, why not?

Inspirations – gardens that I dream of tending one day, with all the accompanying barns, outbuildings and chickens!

First, you should be aware, this is how I see myself in the garden…not as the over-heated, dirt-smudged-faced, sweaty mess that I actually am.

garden's glory retro garden woman vintage

Nice, neat little greenhouse boxes. Yes, says my left brain as I venture out with hoses that never crinkle and in the cutest garden togs ever.

garden's glory raised beds with windows to create mini greenhouses

 Truly one of my FAV Houzz images ever. below!  In. my. dreams!garden chickens

Then there is the more natural, slightly dirtier garden that leads to another garden, that leads to another garden, and so on and so forth…

garden quotes

Things Dave needs to build for me this very minute!

I have long-wanted, since I started gardening in 1997, as a matter of fact, some simple and beautiful obelisks for my garden.  How fortuitous to have found these plans.  *batting eyelashes now…

garden's glory - pyramid obelisk for the garden how to plansAnd why not one of these while you’re at it, Dave Rhoades?

garden's glory old windows as greenhouse

Just cute garden paraphernalia.

Every year things grow that flat-out surprise me.

garden's glory spoon volunteers

A red toolbox planter…hmmm…where could I put Dave’s junk?

toolbox planter funky junk curbshopaholic

There isn’t like a theme going on here or anything…but I seem to desire an outdoor bathtub and an outdoor shower…

 pinterest - garden shower


Honestly, I dare not do a garden search on Pinterest, or I’d never have time to actually garden again for all the eye candy and good ideas I’d be finding.

See my Pinterest Garden Board {{HERE} ‘cuz it is fun and educational!


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